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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "spirtuality".

How do you say "Omm" in Japanese?

JAPAN | Wednesday, 9 Mar 2016 | Views [571]

Sunday was the CET trip to Arashiyama, near Kyoto. So we met at 8:30 (on a Sunday!) at the train station and caught a succession of trains to Arashiyama. It was pretty uneventful, with the most interesting part probably being watching a woman come to ... Read more >

Tags: buddhism, meditation, monk, spirtuality, sweets

First Line Game

JAPAN | Wednesday, 2 Mar 2016 | Views [394]

I haven’t had that much experience with different Japanese textbooks, so it’s hard for me to know what works and what doesn’t. But Tobira is starting to grate on me by not placing like concepts together. The grammars are grammars ... Read more >

Tags: books, grammar, japanese, spirtuality, textbooks

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