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There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "bus".

On the Way to Kyushu

JAPAN | Wednesday, 6 Apr 2016 | Views [604]

“I want to go to Kyushu,” I heard myself say while video chatting with my parents. It was a weird thing for me to say. Like someone in Chicago saying “I want to go to Minnesota.” There’s nothing wrong with Minnesota, it’... Read more >

Tags: bus, coffee, fukuoka, kyushu, transportation

Cows and farms: what every Midwestern girl spending a semester in Paris wants to see

FRANCE | Friday, 2 Oct 2015 | Views [478]

In a shocking move, Sunday began with us getting into the bus and driving for at least an hour. This brought us to Périguex, a small town with a beautiful cathedral. While we were there, the town was also in the middle of Pé... Read more >

Tags: animals, bus, popcorn, train, transportation

Train, bus, caves, and geese

FRANCE | Tuesday, 29 Sep 2015 | Views [559]

Friday we had to show up at the train station at 7:30 with clothes for the weekend and food for lunch packed. In addition to everyone in the Paris program, we were joined by the four Brown students studying in Lyon. We got on the train a little before ... Read more >

Tags: bus, cave painting, food, sarlat, tour, train, transportation

To Tangiers

MOROCCO | Friday, 25 Jul 2014 | Views [538]

 Without mule riding to go to, we got up at 9, ate breakfast, and got a taxi to the bus station. Natasha and I could both use an ATM, so after we bought our bus tickets we left Nathan and Cynthia with the bags and went off to find one. Nathan ... Read more >

Tags: atm, bus, taxi, transportation

We're Going 100 'Round the Bends

MOROCCO | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2014 | Views [425]

 On Friday, we finished class and went to the train station. Specifically, we arrived for class, I realized that I'd managed to miss the combination of Facebook message/in-person conversation and left my bag at my house whereas everyone else had ... Read more >

Tags: auberge, bus, food, taxi, travel

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