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the great Tiwanaku culture

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 4 May 2010 | Views [1027] | Comments [2]

Near La Paz lies Tiwanaku, an archeological site, a culture, a belief system, an ancient empire, and one of the most important precursos of the Incas... Not much is known about them... According to historians, they buried their piramid and main ceremonial ... Read more >

Photos: La Paz, Tiwanaku and moon's valley

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 4 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

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The best of rides

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 29 Apr 2010 | Views [1040]

The "Death Road" is a very narrow road, unpaved, with a breathtaking cliff next to it. It goes from La Paz to Coroico along stunning landscapes, and it's known as the most dangerous road in the world.   Today, very few vehicules use it, because ... Read more >

Photos: La Paz to Coroico by bike

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 29 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

bike tour, 65 km descending from 4700 meters high to 1100 meters through the most dangerous road in the world
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English teacher for ten days

BOLIVIA | Monday, 26 Apr 2010 | Views [769] | Comments [3]

Two weeks in Santa Cruz proved to be long enough to relax a bit, meet several local people, do some reading, get sick a couple of times, get some torrencial rain and swim along the streets full of water... and also, to teach english (when sickness and ... Read more >

Photos: Santa Cruz and Samaipata

BOLIVIA | Monday, 26 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

Santa Cruz is the big city, I went to Samaipata for the weekend, there were ancient ruins from pre-inca times.
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Reality Check in Santa Cruz

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 17 Apr 2010 | Views [2130] | Comments [4]

"A journey is like marriage, the certain way to be wrong is to think you control it", said John Steinbeck...  I took a night bus from Sucre to Santa Cruz, 15 hours... Unfortunatley, buses in Bolivia are not as confortable as in Argentina (although ... Read more >

Inside the Mine of Potosí

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 14 Apr 2010 | Views [751]

Potosí, above 3900 meters high, is the highest city in the world. There is usually no reason to build a city at that height, not just because of the cold, but mainly because of the reduced level of oxigen. You just don't wanna live there... However, ... Read more >

Photos: Uyuni, Potosí and Sucre

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 14 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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A story of Landscapes and Things

BOLIVIA | Friday, 9 Apr 2010 | Views [1009]

I arrived to Bolivia taking the way of the middle of nowhere... that is, from Atacama, doing a 3 day trip in a Jeep. There was absolutely no civilization in the way, it was just wild and inhospitable... The landscapes were unbelievable... from the biggest ... Read more >

Photos: salt flats, lagoons, geysers...

BOLIVIA | Friday, 9 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

3 days Jeep excursion through natural wonders in Bolivia
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Riding across Atacama Desert

CHILE | Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 | Views [1019] | Comments [2]

In my first day in San Pedro de Atacama, I was overwhelmed by all the possible tours that I could do… but finally I decided to rent a bicycle… I could ride in the driest place on earth and reach some of the closest attractions. I made around 50 kilometers ... Read more >

Photos: San Pedro de Atacama

CHILE | Tuesday, 6 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Magical Purmamarca

ARGENTINA | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Views [443] | Comments [1]

Purmamarca is a small village in the province of Jujuy, north of Salta. Famous for its seven colors mountain, at Purmamarca, life goes on very quietly... I stayed one night at this little village, and I enjoyed it so much! How is it possible for a single ... Read more >

Photos: Purmamarca, Tilcara and Humahuaca

ARGENTINA | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Salta and the broken concepts

ARGENTINA | Monday, 29 Mar 2010 | Views [1033] | Comments [3]

When I first planned my trip, I wasn't sure to pass by Salta. I didn't even know of it... Later on, trying to draw my itinerary on a map, it seemed as a good stop between Iguazu and Atacama desert, so I thought I would pass by quickly. Once I arrived ... Read more >

Photos: Salta

ARGENTINA | Monday, 29 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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getting wet at Iguazu Falls

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 27 Mar 2010 | Views [1999] | Comments [3]

At Iguazu Falls, it happened to be a rainy day... the rain was so strong that even the corridor of my hostel was flood!.. but I could not do much apart from going to see the Falls... so, I bought a raincoat, or rather... a rain plastic, and I went for ... Read more >

Photos: Iguazu Falls

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 27 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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a story of Ups and Downs

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 23 Mar 2010 | Views [720] | Comments [2]

"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind", said Seneca... I hope he is right... because travelling alone is not easy business! One day I see great views, another day it's raining and I cannot do what I had planned... One day I ... Read more >

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