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My First Weekend in My New House

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 February 2011 | Views [520] | Comments [1]

I moved in on the Thursday, and Dom, whose place I'm taking in the house, took me round the area a bit for some lunch etc. We were sitting outside a particular pub, when Libby and Jess, the girls from Perth who I keep running into, sat down at our table all of a sudden! We stayed in the pub talking to them for about an hour, before we went different ways for lunch, arranging to meet up for dinner. Dom and I carried on walking round, then headed back to the house for a bit. Dom had to head out pretty soon after, and at 5 o clock I went to meet up with the girls for dinner.

Just as I was getting to their hostel, I heard my name being called, looked round, and there were the 3 Canadians from the first week in Oz, Ronny, Benny and George. It was crazy to see them here, such a small world, and after catching up with them a bit, the girls and I headed out for dinner, to a place called "Lentil As Anything". Now Angela and Chris, you would have LOVED this place. It was a vegetarian/vegan restaurant, where you paid what you thought the meal was worth. This stemmed from when artists would go for ages without selling a painting, and they would eat for free at this place, then when they sold a painting, they would pay more to make it up. The food was actually REALLY good, I had no idea vegan food could taste so good. We went back to their hostel pub, and had a quick drink before Libby had to catch a flight back to Perth to get her tonsils out, and I went home.

The next day, I spent the day with Jess, walking round St Kilda handing out CVs. We had lunch again at the vegan place (seriously, the food was that good) and carried on handing out CVs. Later on, Jess had to go back cos she was having dinner with a friend, and I went back to the house and spent the evening watching films with my housemates.

Saturday, nothing much happened, until the evening. Well, my new roommate moved in, an Irish guy called Dan. The house was going out to say bye to Dom and Chad (the one Dan replaced) that night, and I joined them. I had arranged to meet Mitch, Bec and Neal later on as well, but they weren't coming into town for a while, so I spent some time with the house. But when they did come in, I went to meet them. Another of Mitch's friends was there, Matt, and we went to a club his friend was DJing at. It cost me $20 to get in!! I couldn't believe it! I had $60 dollars for the night, and it cost me $20 to get in!! So Matt bought me drinks at that club to make up for it.

We moved on to another club, in the city, and whilst queueing up for it, Matt, Neal and I got refused for being OVERdressed!! Unbelieveable! Never have I been refused for being overdressed! Apparently wearing a shirt was too smart for an alternative/middle (wtf is middle?) club, so we got bounced! Mitch and Bec had just got in though, so they got a refund and came out to join us.

Onto another bar, where a wedding aprty had ended up, and the groom had lucked out on his bride! One of the geekiest guys I've seen, big glasses and everything, had managed to score a pretty hot wife. After that bar though, we went to the casino, (this at about 2.30am) and spent a while there. 3 hours to be exact. We stayed at a blackjack table, and I had to watch a while to figure out how to bet (it's so different to just playing with your friends, it's weird) before I sat down and started up. Mitch and Bec went home pretty quickly, decided to call it a night, whilst the 3 of us stayed at the table. We all won money by the end, me starting with $20 and finishing with $100, enough to cover my night and some, so I was pretty happy!! So at 5.30am, we got a KFC breakfast, and jumped in a cab back home cos the trams hadn't started running again.

I got into bed around 6.30, and woke up at 10.30 to start the new day. It's not my fault, I just can't sleep very long in the mornings!! I stayed in until the afternoon, when I went out with a few housemates to the St Kilda Festival that was on. All the live music was free, but the carnival section was so expensive. There was a stunt biking demonstration, with a team of 3 doing these crazy jumps and backflips off a ramp and landing on a lorry which had a ramp down the back!! It was so cool, absolutely awesome stunts. I did go back for a bit, to get some dinner, and then later on I went back out for the last couple of acts on the main stage. I met up with Jess and a friend of hers and we went to see Muscles, the final artist. It was such a good gig, the crowd atmosphere was insane. Listen to him if you can, its great stuff. After that though, we went our separate ways, saying bye to Jess and her friend as they were going back to WA in the next couple of days to go back to uni. I'll meet up with them when I go over to WA later in the year.

I just went back home and watched another film with my housemates before bed. Today I amr esuming my search for a job. I need to find one soon, as the money will only last another couple of weeks!! Hope you are all well back home, love to everyone!! xxxxx



I was not expecting lentils.
But I'm pleasantly surprised.

  Vegan Feb 18, 2011 11:43 AM

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