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Crikey! Jamie's gone down under!


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 28 November 2010 | Views [664] | Comments [4]

AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, SKYDIVING IS AMAZING!!!! Went for a little skydive on saturday morning, and oh my god, the rush is unreal!! It's like nothing I've ever felt before, just incredible. Jumped from 14,000ft (sorry mum, i'm not helping any stress and worry issues!) and had a minute of freefall reaching 120mph!! The feeling is great, if you get the chance to go skydiving, absolutely do it, no hesitation. Was able to take control of the parachute as well, so it was brilliant. Didn't get any photos or DVD though, it cost an absolute bomb and I'm running a little low on pennies right now....

And on the subject of money, I'm heading off to do some fruit picking for a month or so in about 3 hours. Had to pack everything up last night (mainly as our room was completely uprooted and moved cos there was a bedbug problem - shaun's arm is an absolute mess!) but it was helpful cos we didn't have to do it this morning. Just sitting around watching the cricket now, killing time.

That's about all that's new with me, so I hope you're all enjoying the snow! xxx

Andy - I haven't been able to do any surfing yet, just haven't really had time! I will though, I definitely will, there's a place called Spot X which is supposed to be incredible, so I'll check it out next year. That weekend sounds bloody cold! Fun, but bloody cold! France sounds like fun, have a great time when it comes round. I may even be able to join you, if I'm back, cos my surfing will definitely have got better when I do come back! Good to hear from you, hope you're all well.

Yvette - Of course I'm sending it home! That sounds like a plan, show everyone at christmas. Mum will brick it I think, tell her to look out for my little message on the video! Make the most of the snow, it's coming early this year by the sounds of it. Have yourself some fun when it gets thick though, and have some fun for me too! Missing you too, hope school's going OK ;) xxx

Mum and Dad - Sorry about the car!!! I didn't have a clue about all of that repair stuff that neded doing. It seems I sold you a dud... Hope work's going well for you both, miss you! xxx



Sounds like you're having a blast! I envy you the bungee-jumping & skydiving because I would love to have done that at your age - not so sure that I fancy it now though!

Have you been keeping up with the rugby? England struggled to cope with a good performance from South Africa yesterday so lost 21-11 but at least they stuffed the Aussies a couple of weeks ago to give you bragging rights over there. Mind you, Australia scored 59 points against France yesterday so they probably think they are the best team in the world again!

Wasps have won 3 games in a row - including away to Bath yesterday - so things are looking up. The girls and I had a great time last Sunday - we saw a cracking Wasps win over London Irish then went straight from the game to watch the new Harry Potter film (quite dark and not much humour) and then out to Pizza Express. Probably the perfect combination of treats for Rhianna - rugby, chips, Haribo, film, pizza!

The Ashes is a bit of a roller-coaster at the moment, isn't it? If you were watching the game earlier today then you probably saw a bit when England were doing well. Did you get much stick from the locals when Australia were on top?

What kind of fruit are you going to be picking? I don't think Cairns is wine-growing country so I guess it won't be grapes. I hope fruit is high off the ground for your sake so that you aren't spending all day bent double. Try to remember the sun tan cream this time!

Don't worry about the car - the work was just the usual sort of stuff you get when a car is driven by an 18-year-old who thinks he's Lewis Hamilton (front brake pads, suspension etc!) I'll find a way for you to make it up to us!!!

Keep the blogs coming - lot's of people seem to be viewing them even if they are not leaving comments - and it's great to be able to keep up with what you're doing.

  Dad Nov 28, 2010 9:12 PM


P.S. to my last message - it is nice to have food in the house that lasts though - something I could get used to! Although, we're now having to buy 2 boxes of hot oat cereal cos Rhianna eats it before I get to it! xxx

  Yvette Nov 28, 2010 9:15 PM


You clearly just want to be me. Isn't it the best thing ever, though? Like, literally, the coolest experience of your life? Did you panic about being able to breathe or was that just me?

Anyway, HI JAMIE!!! So sorry I've not been keeping up your blog - I'm going to go back and read everything now and then leave you the comment to end all comments. You've probably heard that the weather this side of the world is pretty foul - we had sleety crap today that didn't even settle and apparently the whole of the UK is covered in snow so yeah; it's a far cry from Aus!
Find it hard to get my head around how far away you are. Can't pretend I'm not a teeeensy bit jealous. Really really want to go skiing but it doesn't look like that'll be happening any time soon (unless the snow really DOES get to epic proportions
Miss you lots, wish you were going to be home at Christmas.
Loveeee xxxxxxxxxx

  Claire Nov 29, 2010 4:23 AM


Hi Jamie Australia sounds good
What fruit are you going to be picking?
Did you see any dingoes near Ayres rock?
Have you seen any sharks yet?
I don’t know if you're going to Fraser Island but if you do provoke a dingo into chasing you and film it!

  joe burke Nov 29, 2010 5:34 AM

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