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Taking the Long Way Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

Trip: World Trip 2009

There are [45] stories from my trip: World Trip 2009

Koh Lipe

THAILAND | Sunday, 26 Apr 2009 | Views [933]

Luke and I left KL this morning and flew to Langkawi, a one hour flight, and caught a taxi to Telaga Harbour where we had a speed boat booked to travel to Koh Lipe, a tiny Thailand island about 1.5hours from Langkawi. We had to leave our passports at ... Read more >

Kuala Lumpur again

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 23 Apr 2009 | Views [480]

I flew from Chiang Mai on Wednesday back down to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and finally saw more than just the airport. In saying that however the airport has undergone huge renovations since I was last there in February and another sleepless night in the ... Read more >

Back to Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Monday, 20 Apr 2009 | Views [390]

My week at the Elephant camp wrapped up on Sunday. Abi, Lucy and I headed back to chiang Mai where Lucy caught a train to Bangkok while Abi and I checked into Thana Guesthouse where I had stayed last week (basically just cos it had a pool we could lounge ... Read more >

Elephant nature Park

THAILAND | Monday, 13 Apr 2009 | Views [514]

Elephant nature Park is a sanctuary for abused, injured, orphaned and sick elephants that have been rescued from all over Thailand and into Burma and Laos as well, where elephants are still used for logging. The park was started back in 1995 by Lek who ... Read more >

Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Friday, 10 Apr 2009 | Views [700]

After what has seemed like an interminable wait at Huay Xai I crossed the Mekong one last time after officially exiting Laos and heading up to immigration on the other side. As I stood there in the pouring rain filling in my entry card who should I bump ... Read more >

The Gibbon Experience

LAOS | Sunday, 5 Apr 2009 | Views [2308] | Comments [1]

The Gibbon Experience was mostly great, a little light on gibbons but none the less a once in a lifetime experience. The 3 hour ride in an open air jeep was pretty hair raising once we left the main road and headed in towards Bokeo Reserve. There was ... Read more >

Luang Prabang - Elephant Camp

LAOS | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [2112]

The Elephant camp was FANTASTIC! It is hands down the best thing I have done since leaving home 2 months ago. It was only a short bus ride from Luang Prabang down twisted and bumpy dirt roads, then we arrived at a river which we crossed via a little ... Read more >


LAOS | Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 | Views [447]

My second day in Vientiane was very domesticated in the morning, getting clothes repaired, hunting down camera batteries for Fran and other odds and ends that needed to get done. I spent the afternoon strolling around the city and ended up walking about ... Read more >


LAOS | Monday, 23 Mar 2009 | Views [502]

Battambang is very quaint city with very little concession to western ways or the influx of tourism. I walked around for at least an hour and was yet to find one resturant with a menu AND prices in English. An added challenge is that only 3 streets seem ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009 | Views [554]

Battambang is very quaint city with very little concession to western ways or the influx of tourism. I walked around for at least an hour and was yet to find one resturant with a menu AND prices in English. An added challenge is that only 3 streets seem ... Read more >

Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Friday, 13 Mar 2009 | Views [392]

Phnom Penh is chaotic and captivating in its poverty and desperation to pull itself up by its bootstraps. Since the end of the Khmer rule the city has struggled to regain its former prosperity but given that 40% of the Cambodian population is under the ... Read more >

Crossing into Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 11 Mar 2009 | Views [380]

Chau Doc was a bit of a one horse town that has only one thing to distinguish it; for about 3 hours after dark the town is swamped by a plague of bugs so thick you have to cover your mouth and nose to avoid breathing them in. They look a little like ... Read more >

Mekong Delta

VIETNAM | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Views [406]

My Mekong Delta tour kicked off this morning with a 2 hour bus ride to Ben Tre, the closest part of the Mekong To Saigon. From there I went in a series of big, medium and miniature row boats through various parts of the Mekong. The Mekong Delta is ... Read more >

Nha Trang

VIETNAM | Thursday, 5 Mar 2009 | Views [585]

I arrived in Nha Trang about 7am all disgruntled and out of sorts due to no sleep on the sleeping bus what so ever. It was a bit of a disappointment after the last one, this bus had permanently reclined seats and a driver who played hip-hop very loud ... Read more >

My Son

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2009 | Views [393]

No I don't have a son and its pronounced 'Me Song'; a place not a person. I took a bus from Hoi An out to My Son which is the major site in Vietnam from the ancient Champa Kingdom which flourished between the 2nd and 15th centuries. Descendants of ... Read more >

Chicken Pox????

VIETNAM | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [826]

As I wrote my journal yesterday I included a sentence about an unusual itchy rash that had appeared on my arm, but then I thought it was irrelevant so deleted it. I took an antihistamine, put some stuff on it and figured it would be gone in the morning ... Read more >

Tam Coc

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 24 Feb 2009 | Views [1117]

Tam Coc means three caves, and is about a two hour drive from Hanoi to the South. I took a minibus there followed by a little boat rowed by two locals (with their feet) along the Ngo Dong river, through limestone mountains, which stretched for several ... Read more >

Good morning Vietnam

VIETNAM | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Views [366]

After a very long night at KL airport (where they are now renovating the McDonald's 24 hours a day so no one was sleeping) I caught a 3hr flight to Hanoi this morning and caught a bus into the city centre. I've found a great hostel in the Old Quarter ... Read more >

Kota Kinabalu

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 21 Feb 2009 | Views [483]

After NO sleep what so ever due to a snoring China man in my dorm, I left Sandakan yesterday morning in a foul mood and caught a bus 7hrs over to the western side of Borneo to Kota Kinabalu.  I booked into a backpacker's called Summer Lodge on someones ... Read more >


MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009 | Views [509]

I arrived in Borneo at Sandakan Airport on Monday morning, very tired and bleary eyed. I went straight to my hostel, Sandakan Backpackers and it made me realise just how good I had had it the last week! Kirsti and Josh were in Sandakan too but just about ... Read more >

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