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Taking the Long Way Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

Trip: World Trip 2009

There are [45] stories from my trip: World Trip 2009

Bogota, Colombia

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 9 Sep 2009 | Views [743]

For some reason that I can’t remember now we booked ourselves on a flight from NYC that left at 6am from Newark Airport, an hour outside the city so that meant getting up at 2.15am to head to the airport on Sunday. A 3hr flight to Miami, a quick change ... Read more >

New York

USA | Friday, 4 Sep 2009 | Views [819]

I arrived in new York about midday Tuesday and at 3pm was still trying to find my way to the hostel I was booked into in Brooklyn. The subway system here can’t hold a candle to that of London and its much dirtier and harder to navigate. Eventually we ... Read more >


UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [498]

My last night in Berlin was a bit of a nightmare. After my lovely pork roast dinner at the Lowenbrau I ended up with food poisoning and was up all night vomiting. But then had to leave the hostel at 4.30am to catch the train to the airport for our flight ... Read more >


GERMANY | Wednesday, 26 Aug 2009 | Views [525]

I wanted to head out to the Sachsenhausen concentration Camp but was torn between wanting to take a day tour so I would know exactly what it was I would be looking at, and going on our own so we wouldn’t be rushed around in a huge group like when I went ... Read more >


CZECH REPUBLIC | Friday, 21 Aug 2009 | Views [474]

Prague, also known as Zlata Praha in the past, is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Situated on the bank of River Vltava in central Bohemia, the beautiful city of Prague is rich in history and definitely has a bright and promising future.... Read more >


POLAND | Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Views [570]

After arriving in Krakow, Poland on the luxurious and expensive 6 hour train we met up the following morning bright and early with Nic and Sean in the main square and caught a bus out to Auschwitz; a place which is seared into public consciousness as ... Read more >


HUNGARY | Monday, 10 Aug 2009 | Views [808]

After spending more time in Croatia that I have in any other country for some time now it felt strange to be moving on to Hungary and leaving behind the land of pizza and ice-cream. We took the train from Zagreb to Hungary but very sensibly decided ... Read more >


ROMANIA | Friday, 17 Jul 2009 | Views [934]

This is what I've been waiting to see...the awe inspiring Transylvania where I half expected fanged goons to be climbing down the walls of their Gothic castle and wing-flap to moats to villages where they would pick and choose their daily meal of human ... Read more >


TURKEY | Friday, 10 Jul 2009 | Views [634]

Luke and I are staying in the seaside city of Kusadasi on the Agean Coast at the moment and enjoying a few days of relaxation and wandering around through this bustling little place that is a cross between the French Riviera and Surfers Paradise. We’ve ... Read more >


TURKEY | Sunday, 5 Jul 2009 | Views [1401] | Comments [1]

Istanbul I arrived in Istanbul on the overnight train on Friday morning and caught the ferry over the Bosphorus to the old side of the city. There was a hasty farewell to my tour group (most of whom I hope to never lay eyes on again) and trudged up ... Read more >

Heading into Turkey

TURKEY | Sunday, 28 Jun 2009 | Views [613]

I left Aleppo around midday today, caught a cab to the public bus station and piled into a public mini-van to drive from there to Antakya in Turkey; a journey that shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. The bus driver was really rude (which was ... Read more >


SYRIA | Tuesday, 23 Jun 2009 | Views [967]

I arrived in Damascus, Syria yesterday via taxi with ‘taxi team’ of Mike and Nikki. The tour leader has divided the 12 of us into 3 pre-allocated ‘taxi teams’ of which we are to travel throughout Syria with. I was couldn’t believe it when he told us, ... Read more >


JORDAN | Friday, 19 Jun 2009 | Views [616]

Hewn out of rose coloured rock, the ancient Nabataean city of Petra is one of the most spectacular destinations in the Middle East and one of the new seven wonders of the World with the imposing facades of its awesome buildings and tombs and rock-cut ... Read more >


EGYPT | Saturday, 13 Jun 2009 | Views [615]

Another early start saw us heading out at 6am to the Colossi of Memnon - two 17m high statues which are on the West bank of Luxor. They were carved from granite blocks and represent the Pharaoh Amentoep III. From there it was a one hour donkey ride across ... Read more >

Pyramids and the Sphinx

EGYPT | Sunday, 7 Jun 2009 | Views [632]

I met the rest of my group last night and for the most part they seem like a great bunch. Its so nice to be having someone else organise my accomodation, transport etc for a change. I can finally relax! Although the hotel is revolting and most definitely ... Read more >


INDIA | Wednesday, 3 Jun 2009 | Views [841] | Comments [2]

Given my change of itinerary for this last month I only had 2 full days in Delhi so I really had to makke them count. After a day of shopping the next day was set aside for some hard core sightseeing. Kirsti and I hired a driver for the day to maximise ... Read more >

Royal Chitwan National Park

NEPAL | Monday, 25 May 2009 | Views [502]

In the morning we headed off about 6am with the Chinese and Ukraine for a canoe ride on the Rapti river to do some animal spotting. Unfortunately that was not to be as the Chinese did not understand the concept of being quiet; singing, laughing and playing ... Read more >

Zhangmu-leaving Tibet

CHINA | Saturday, 16 May 2009 | Views [521]

Way before the crack of dawn we all piled on to the bus as Gelu had informed us we needed to get an early start to avoid the numerous construction road blocks present on the only road to the Nepalese border. So in the pitch black at 5.30am we set off, ... Read more >

Everest base Camp

CHINA | Wednesday, 13 May 2009 | Views [608]

After an exhilarating drive for about 9 hours of increasingly treacherous road from Sayka along what is little more than a yak track we arrived at Rongphu - about 5000m above sea level and a mere 8km from Everest Base Camp. The view is incredible! We ... Read more >


NEPAL | Monday, 4 May 2009 | Views [587]

Finally arrived in Kathmandu about 9am yesterday (I'm 4.5hrs behind Sydney time) after a flight delay at Delhi and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and go to sleep. But that was not to be...firstly, after a lengthy interrogation by health ... Read more >

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