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Taking the Long Way Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

Trip: World Trip 2009

There are [45] stories from my trip: World Trip 2009

Loving Lombok

INDONESIA | Thursday, 12 Feb 2009 | Views [509]

I finally made it to Senggigi, Lombok with no thanks to any of the boat men, ferry masters, drivers or tour agents on the way! The short flight from Denpasar to Mataram was quite evntful (read: turbulent) and I truly believe I saw my life flash before ... Read more >

Rooster City

INDONESIA | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [569]

We all left Kuta yesterday and escorted by the ever faithful Yan, took a 1.5hr drive north through torrential rain that had swept away parts of the road to our next destination. I’m now up at Ubud which I am sure must be the rooster capital of the world! ... Read more >

Finally Bali

INDONESIA | Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Views [641] | Comments [1]

I just spent 15 minutes in an internet cafe typing an entry repeatedly as the connection kept dropping out, so here goes one last try... Yesterday was a day that I have been waiting for for so long I can hardly believe its already over. Luke and I headed ... Read more >

Gallery: Photos

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 11 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 42 photos >>

The countdown is on...

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 9 Jan 2009 | Views [800]

Suddenly next year has turned into this year and next month has now become this month and in 3 weeks today I'm off! I can't believe it's crept up so quickly when its been in the planning for so long. So I'm mostly organised; I've moved out of my ... Read more >

Tags: the planning phase

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