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Taking the Long Way Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

Kuala Lumpur again

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 23 April 2009 | Views [481]

I flew from Chiang Mai on Wednesday back down to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and finally saw more than just the airport. In saying that however the airport has undergone huge renovations since I was last there in February and another sleepless night in the terminal MIGHT be more bearable now! I stayed at the Tune Hotel next to the airport that only opened a few weeks ago and it was fantastic; tiny but very nice and comfortable.

Luke's flight from Australia arrived at 6.30am Thursday morning and after a very happy reunion at the airport and dropping his bags at the hotel we headed into KL Sentral by bus and monorail.

It was so exciting to be in my first real city since I left home! And there I was thinking Chiang Mai was the ants pants because it had a chemist, lol. KL has all the creature comforts of him with an Asian twist.

I've decided not to spend time in India after all due to the monsoon season starting right about when I will get there so instead am going to go trekking in Nepal and Tibet starting 3 May when Luke flies home. Of course now that I have just booked this I've realised that I have no appropriate clothes for trekking up Mt Everest so my arrival in KL was very welcome. Luke and I trudged around the city all morning before finally finding a shop that sold hiking boots then it took another hour to find thermals, gloves and a variety of other boring items that will be essential in the coming weeks. When really all I wanted to do was buy some of the gorgeous clothes and geeky gadgets...

The one thing I wanted to do in Malaysia was to go for a fish spa treatment. Luke was keen to try it as well so off we went to the fish place and washed out feet as per the instructions. Then we sat down and put our feet into what was essentially a large moat-like fish pond filled with little (and some not so little) fish that proceeded to eat the dead skin off our feet. The little fish sort of just tickled your feet when they munched but the bigger ones gave quite a good nip that hurt a little! Luke couldn't cope and ended up taking his feet out, claiming he was way too ticklish. I managed to keep my feet in a bit longer and found that after awhile the overwhelmingly ticklish sensation became bearable.

After wandering around the city for the afternoon we headed back to the hotel, shared my first bottle of wine since I left home (in paper cups 'borrowed' from the airport food court) and sat outside chatting for hours.

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