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The Great Trek

Home Sweet Home - The Land of the Long White Cloud!

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 23 May 2009 | Views [846] | Comments [3]

Well, this is it!  We're here and this is our home now...feels really weird!  Every other time we've been here before it's been a holiday and we've known that we go back to the life we know back home...not this time!!  It was absolutely lovely to see ... Read more >

Down Under - Oz...Part 2

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 18 May 2009 | Views [510]

Hello Back half of Australia felt like real travelling again (except when we stayed with Jane because that was bliss!).  Sharing bathrooms, kitchens etc, damp rooms, smokey hallways has taken its toll and I won't be sorry to put an end to that for a ... Read more >

Down Under - Oz

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 11 May 2009 | Views [673] | Comments [2]

Hi Everyone Firstly thanks to everyone who is actually reading this, it's great when we can see that poeple are viewing our journal.  I know the entries are a bit sporadic but we do try!  Anyway on with the show! We've been in Australia now for about ... Read more >

Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

Northern Territories
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Gallery: Singapore 2

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Friday, 1 May 2009 | Views [452]

I'd like to apologies for the lack of photos on here, Jay's in charge of that!  I would do it myself but he doesn't trust me, I'd misplace them in cyber space or somthing!!  He also keeps going on about something called a 'Round to-it' whatever that ... Read more >


SINGAPORE | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Views [525] | Comments [3]

Hi Folks We arrived in Singapore on 8th April and promptly made use of the MRT (tube system) to make our way to our accomodation.  Completely hassle free, the MRT is a dream to use and you could eat your food off the floor (if is wasn't for the fact ... Read more >

All good things come to an end! The end of our Thai adventure

THAILAND | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Views [522]

Hi Everyone We last wrote when we were in Koh PhaNgan having made some great friends and partied hard!  Our next stop was Koh Samui which we found to be a little disappointing at first, it was expensive, full of tourists, not very Thai at all...having ... Read more >

Gallery: Koh Pha Ngan

THAILAND | Wednesday, 1 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 44 photos >>

Thailand continued...

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [436]

Hi All We're now on Koh Phangan and are having the best time!  We made some good friends the other day who took us to a beach party where they hold the Full Moon parties and it was a fab night and we were all paying for it the next day! Before that ... Read more >

Fabulous Phuket!

THAILAND | Saturday, 14 Mar 2009 | Views [549]

Hi Guys We arrived in Thailand on Tuesday morning (10th March) and the relief was instantaneous!  This place is so beautiful and so too are the people.  It's lovely to be able to walk down the road and not have someone crying on your arm to go into ... Read more >

Gallery: Thailand 2

THAILAND | Saturday, 14 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

More of the first few days.
See all 19 photos >>

Gallery: Thailand

THAILAND | Saturday, 14 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

First few days and our anniversary.
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Gallery: India

INDIA | Saturday, 14 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

What few piccies we could be bothered to take.
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Time for something new!

INDIA | Friday, 6 Mar 2009 | Views [597] | Comments [2]

Hi Everyone Again long time no speak so sorry about that.  We've been in India now for a little over 4 weeks and sadly we feel that it's time to move on.  For us, (and this is not to offend our Indian friends) we just haven't enjoyed India as much as ... Read more >

Beautiful Kerala

INDIA | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2009 | Views [579] | Comments [3]

Hi Everyone Long time no speak so lots to tell!  We caught the overnight bus down to Kochi from Madurai (10 hours) and I did fear for our lives on a couple of occasions.  My backside left the seat a few times and it wasn't down to the increased flatulence ... Read more >

Arriving in India

INDIA | Sunday, 8 Feb 2009 | Views [581] | Comments [1]

Hi Everyone Ummm...this is challenging to say the least, probably just the shock to the system!  We arrived in Bangalore on Thursday evening after one hell of a journey from Cape Town...our heads are screwed up with the lack of sleep and confusing timings ... Read more >

On the move again!

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 4 Feb 2009 | Views [587] | Comments [2]

Hi Everyone So we've come to the end of our stay in South Africa. To be honest we'll be glad to leave given our experience.  In case you hadn't heard, we were mugged at knife point about a week ago, the ba****ds got away with our brand new SLR camera ... Read more >

Gallery: Cape Town and around

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 29 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pictures of Cape Town
See all 32 photos >>

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