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The Great Trek

Trip: UK to SA

There are [5] stories from my trip: UK to SA

Gallery: Jo'burg & Pretoria

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 26 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Sat 17th - 21st Jan 09

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 22 Jan 2009 | Views [447] | Comments [3]

Hi Everyone Sorry we haven't been in touch lately, we've been very busy!!  Sunday 18th went on a tour of Jo'burg city with our guide Jan.  He took us to the Calton Centre for panoramic views of the city, 50 stories high! amongst other things, we went ... Read more >

Gallery: Mufasa & Jo'Burg

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 19 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 40 photos >>

Fri 16th Jan 2009

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 | Views [439] | Comments [5]

 Hi Everyone, After an emotional farewell we have landed in South Africa and are staying at Mufasa Lodge.  It's a lovely place run by a hudband and wife team, John & Toini and we've settled in nicely...well at least we like to think so, Licci is ... Read more >

Leaving Day

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 15 Jan 2009 | Views [387] | Comments [5]

Well, the time has finally come for us to leave these green and damp lands and fly off to sunny (we hope) Jo'Burg. The goodbyes are done and dusted, the backpacks are ready and Licci has a fantastic new haircut!!!!! We fly out from Heathrow and have ... Read more >