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Every Journey Counts Working with a charity and taking a look around. Just enjoying meeting people and living a different way of life with new challenges.

Trip: Cambodia

There are [13] stories from my trip: Cambodia

Photos: moleskine sketches

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 8 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

See all 9 photos >>

Friends and fond memories

WORLDWIDE | Sunday, 8 May 2011 | Views [1386]

Soksaby te Bong? Khynom Chol chet Khmer! AW KOON!!!! There are many things I have purposefully missed out of this blog. I can chew things over and add things as I go. I'm still yet write up about Ankgor Wat, Sihanoukville and some recipes I picked ... Read more >

Tags: friends, reflection

Bangkok: 'Bastion of wholesome tourism'

THAILAND | Thursday, 5 May 2011 | Views [1461]

Two bits of advice for people visiting Bangkok.. one, have the name and address of your hotel written down in Thai for the taxi driver.. they don't do english! And two, never get in a tuk tuk without an oxygen mask. The pollution is scary. Though not ... Read more >

Tags: accupressure, bangkok, buddhist, monks, pollution, reclining buddha, study, taxi drivers, tuktuk, zero tolerance

Bokor mountain and the abandoned casinos

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 5 May 2011 | Views [2645]

Overlooking Kampot and the Tek Chhouu districts is the Elephant mountain range and Bokor national park. An ever changing spectrum of violet skies and veils of pink mist covering the details of the imposing mountain, with only the peak still in view ... Read more >

Island Life

VIETNAM | Monday, 28 Mar 2011 | Views [1832]

First, there was Rabbit Island (Koh Tonsay). I went there for my first weekend in Kampot. Taking a fishing boat from Kep (the village next to Kampot) it takes 45 mins for serene and blissful island life! A beautiful beach, beach strolling monks, ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, fish sauce, island, koh tonsay, koh tral, motorbike, phu quoc, vietnam border, visas, white sand


CAMBODIA | Saturday, 5 Mar 2011 | Views [426]

Ok, so I am going to keep adding to this story with new dishes i encounter on my travels... In Cambodia they have the best fast food, think of your mum's home cooked chicken soup, warming and filling followed by a nice cool fruit shake! Mee ... Read more >

Tags: amok, borbor, eggs, food, sweet milk


CAMBODIA | Sunday, 20 Feb 2011 | Views [1044]

I don't really know how to 'fairly' describe Sihanoukville. It's a little bit like Blackpool in some parts.. not to do it down, but the (S)Ex-pats neon strip at the 2 lions roundabout is a casino, neon lover, lager lout seedy sexpat haven. As if ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, carnival, castaway, coastline, cocktails, khmerival, ream national park, sickness, sihanoukville, two lions roundabout

What's hot in Kampot?

CAMBODIA | Friday, 11 Feb 2011 | Views [744]

My first taste of the weekend in Kampot. I had dinner with Naomi (the only other volunteer at epic- she has been here for 10 months on a funded trip from Australia and works mainly with the Vocational Training Programme or 'VTP' students). We ... Read more >

Meeting the Epic Team

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 10 Feb 2011 | Views [607]

Well, where do I start? I had a fantastic and challenging time volunteering for an arts charity in Cambodia called EPiC Arts ( Every Person Counts). It was great to finally meet the team at Epic and everyone is very nice. The ... Read more >

Tags: performance, schools, teamwork kep

Urban versus Rural life

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 9 Feb 2011 | Views [1075]

There was such a jump between the big cities and rural areas, much more than in Europe, I think because the development has been so much quicker and more recent. It makes things really uneven, and as soon as you start traveling you realise ... Read more >

Tags: bicycles, kampot, rural, shower gel, urban

Thrown into the tropical soup

CAMBODIA | Monday, 7 Feb 2011 | Views [583]

Tuk tuks are quite something! It was my first time in a tuk tuk, heading from the airport to the centre yesterday. You get thrown helplessly into the middle of the tropical soup and just hold on while they spin you round the corners into on coming ... Read more >

Tags: hotel, khmer, prison, tuk tuk, tuol sleng

Photos: Epic shots

CAMBODIA | Monday, 7 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

Volunteering for Epic Arts Charity in Cambodia
See all 161 photos >>

Happy Heart!

THAILAND | Monday, 7 Feb 2011 | Views [488]

Oh how happy my heart is to be in Thailand!! - even if it is only the airport for now! Stepping outside the airport I was nearing tears when I smelt the warm jasmine air. Stood under the entrance shelter, the smells and sounds funnily enough echo ... Read more >

Tags: airport, arrival, bangkok, botanical garden