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Gauri's Adventures

Afternoon Cocktails and Romantic Dinners

ITALY | Tuesday, 3 April 2007 | Views [396]

Today was our first day of class! We met Chiara at the bus stop and went to the school. Most of us are in the beginner’s elementary class. Our teacher’s name is Paola and she is really nice. She speaks only in Italian but we still understand her which is good, and actually unexpected. Today we went over presentations and simple verb sounds. After class we walked with Chiara to the cell phone place and had some lunch. After lunch, we came home and Morgan and I came back to Moya to use the wireless internet. I uploaded all my pictures on facebook which is very exciting because now people can be jealous of what a fabulous time I am having! I had a strawberry margarita while we were at Moya and although it doesn’t compare to Rio Grande, it was still pretty good. After Moya, we wandered through Piazza Santa Croce to see if we could find purses but had no luck. Alexia called us and told us the rest of the girls were at Piazza Michaelangelo, so we decided to walk there and meet them after dropping my computer off at home. Morgan and I looked at the map and tried to decide which way to go but since we couldn’t pick a good route, we just decided to go without the map and get lost on our own! On the way up the hills, we almost got hit by an SUV coming around a curve which was really scary! It also had started to rain while we were heading to the top and when we got to the top it started to pour. We stood under some umbrellas waiting for the rain to stop, but it didn’t get too much lighter. After a while we decided to just brave the rain (neither of us brought umbrellas!) and run down to our apartment. We made our way down and got home safely, just a little bit wet. After doing my homework, and sitting around for a bit, Morgan, Katie and I decided to go find the New Market and look for purses again. We got to the market as it was closing so we didn’t have too much opportunity to go through things, but we are going back tomorrow after school. When we got home, Morgan and I made dinner (roasted potatoes, and pan grilled chicken!) and had a “romantic dinner date!” We had after dinner drinks while doing our homework (write a description of ourselves). Our drinks (vodka tonics, and screwdrivers with San Pellegrino!) made me extremely sleepy so I am heading to bed with the hopes of a peaceful night of sleep!

“Mi chiamo Gauri. Ho diecinove anni. Sono Americana, di Ohio. Ho gli occhi castani e ho lente a contatto. Ho capelli scuri e castani. Anche ho capelli ricci. Ho pelle scura. En mi famiglia ho una sorella, un fratello e una cognate. En mi casa ho una cagnolina. Sono una studiente a “Ohio University” e “University of Florence.” Sono una ballerina. Sono una tennista. Mi piace danze e mi cagnolina. Mi piace cucina e gelato.”

Tags: Adventures



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