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Trip: Vancouver Island

There are [8] stories from my trip: Vancouver Island

Gallery: Vancouver Island

CANADA | Sunday, 18 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

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CANADA | Friday, 16 Nov 2007 | Views [379]

We met with Marla in Trevor’s kitchen while he was at work. I’ve referred back many a time to an image that Marla shared: that of a flashlight shedding light on the path ahead -- that it does shine reliably but that it does not show very much of the ... Read more >


CANADA | Thursday, 15 Nov 2007 | Views [486]

Talking to Trevor about traveling was great; however, we did not get started on that until the weekend. In the meantime, we had an interesting adventure. We took a hike to the AAA. It was so novel to be in a house and on our own with time to attend ... Read more >

Trevor's in Victoria

CANADA | Wednesday, 14 Nov 2007 | Views [791]

Towards the end of our stay at the farm we met up with friend, Trev, who, in the generous style for which he is famous, insisted that we stay with him (if we wished). The next night, he picked us up on his way home from work in Sidney. Trev had previous ... Read more >

Remembrance Day in Victoria

CANADA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2007 | Views [589] | Comments [1]

We were in the middle of clearing out the raspberry and artichoke gardens, cutting down the raspberry canes, raking out the leaves, and pulling up the weeds. We had just come into the poultry pen in order to empty the cane and weeds into the compost ... Read more >

Bart & Lynda

CANADA | Sunday, 11 Nov 2007 | Views [513]

We had an outstanding day, yesterday. After performing very few duties on the farm yesterday and fuelling up with food, we headed out to the road to walk towards our meeting time and place with Bart and Lynda. Bart is Dave's old cycling buddy, and the ... Read more >


CANADA | Friday, 9 Nov 2007 | Views [629]

On Tuesday evening,(November 6th) we arrived in Victoria. We took the bus out towards our new temporary home on a farm on the countryside that lies within Victoria (Charlotte Road). Alberto picked us up and showed us our digs. On the way down, as he ... Read more >


CANADA | Friday, 2 Nov 2007 | Views [556] | Comments [1]

We're finally here! First, we had to downsize: we purchased two backpacks on wheels with break away day packs. It is a great way to travel. We fed exed two big suitcases back to my brother in Winnipeg who will take them over to David's mom's place.... Read more >