Arrrived in Zanzibar this afternoon, staying in a small hotel called the Karibu Inn (welcome Inn)sharing with 2 others women, but it's a bed and on suite !! Went to a vegetarian restaurant for lunch which was yummy. Predominantly muslim here so no problem with food.
Amazingly not seen any big creepies got a few bites, but my potions for travel sickness and stomach seem to be working.
The rest of the group are nice in general just got rid of the lazy one !! But you know me not one to gossip!!
Going to the beach tommorrow to catch some rays, not really ahd chance yet.
Really important forgot to say visit to ngrongoro carter was amazing I had tears when we saw 3 male lions within an hour of arriving they were literally 100yds away.
Signing off now will write more in next few days
Tracey xx