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Another trip part 2 The amazing adventures of a lass from Belle Isle!!

Lake Malawi

MALAWI | Sunday, 16 September 2007 | Views [824] | Comments [7]

Hi All

Sorry its been a while I didn't think I was doing so bad 5 stories in 2 weeks!! Not sure why you are all confused it seems pretty traight forward to me !!!( Tracey"Gates" Emms!!)

Taz email me at my hotmail account with the work story, can't wait to hear, is she getting her just desserts  at last !!! Yeah!!

Defiantely think we need to set up our own theatre company, Jo and Tracy could do props and costume !!!

Enough banter!!The internet is so.....slow I could face it and also not really had access. At Lake Malawi beautiful so relaxing which has been great as we have had some long drive days. The poverty is immediately noticeable here and the locals just appear from no where once the trucks arrive. This sight has secuirty but the dog stole my new walking sandal on the 1st night and a scorpian nearly got into my neighbours tent, oh and there is a rat in the truck !!! and I am still on the trip and chilled !!!! No dreads honest but the tattoo looks cool honest.

Nearly had a few wobbles going up the mountains especially when there was too accidents and the roads bocked with the loals syphoning off petrol frrom the tanker!!!

Keep the comments coming in, I wont have access for a while as back on the road again tommorrow in transit through Mozambique then into Zimbabewe, we have another safari this time on foot!! I got a blister in my flip flops the other day getting lost in the markets in Zanzibar!! So no chance with a safari!!!

Take care guys.

We should do a blog reunion on my return!!!

Photos to follow hopefully in Cape town or Oz!

Off to catch some rays!!

Loads a love

Tracey xxx

Tags: Relaxation




Flip Flops? Flip Flops? Yet another famous explorer makes a serious fashion mistake.I dont ever recall Ray Myeres recommending such footwear?

  Miss Piggy Sep 17, 2007 10:28 PM


A rat in the truck???!! What's that all about. Glad you've finally decided to get off yer sun lounger and do a blog. Sounds very exciting though and the next bit sounds a little like it might be hard work - you'll need to sort your blisters out before then.
I have to say though I feel a tad apprehensive for you travelling in Zimbabwe, not because of safety but because the country is a little messed up - inflation at 6000% and big time poverty. But these Dragoman folk go there every two month with this particular tour so I'm sure they know what they're doing.
I really would like to know, like you Jo, why Tracey's nick name is Fozzy. I've asked her in an email before but still in the dark. Can someone shed a little light on this matter? And who's Miss Piggy - whats with the Muppets?!
Take care and and have more adventures,
Tracy xxx

  tracy b Sep 19, 2007 3:32 AM


Hi Tracey
Finally found you, with the help of the 'kids' well actually did it myself. So, you're wearing flip flops, in the middle of Africa! Well ... wonder what the locals are wearing this year? I too would be a tad worried about Zimbabwe, some odd stories hitting our screens over here. Still no worries eh, you're on ya hols!
Have fun. Carole

  Carole C Sep 20, 2007 11:32 PM


I'm so pleased your other friends have managed to write lots and keep you going! So sorry for my delayed entries but I see Carole is a later comer too!
Can't believe one of your walking sandals has been stolen by a dog! Actually I can!! Bet you wish I hadn't made you take out one of your pairs of flip flops now!
Hope your feet can make it through the safari. Sounds like you are having some amazing experiences and know they will continue!
Where is your tatoo? Need to read all the blog to catch up on everything! So sorry I missed the party!!!!
Lots of love,

  Liz Ascham Sep 22, 2007 4:58 AM


Lots of floods in Africa! Hope you ok.

Thinking of you as always.

Keep safe,

Love Lizzie

  Liz Ascham Sep 22, 2007 5:20 AM


Hi Tracey

Dogs stealing your shoes, a near miss with a scorpian and a rat in the truck and you're still chilled. What was on that tattoo needle??!!

Sounds like the next phase of your trip could be challenging but hopefully a safe and secure adventure and I'm sure an amazing experience. Take lots of care and do as you're told :0)

Am meeting up with Lynne H, Tracie D and Brenda tomorrow night to celebrate Lynne's 60th (I know can you believe it?). So, your ears will be burning no doubt.

Have you got a spare bra? Joanna Lumley made some fab shoes out of one on her adventure. Underwired variety might be tad uncomfartable tho ;0)

Take oodles of care. Look forward to the next installment.

Lots of love
Jo Sav xx

  Jo Sav Sep 22, 2007 6:44 AM


Am now lumpless. My side profile is now back to its normal glorious state. I can tap-dance to my hearts content without my gaggle flapping in the wind!
How's trix emmsy! come on we need somemore holiday action! We are providing the highlights of your trip. Get your finger out, remember what your fortune teller said all those years ago!! Is that why you visit this site so infrequently we ask ourselves. Well Hi all! Hi Max hope you got your son shipped off to Uni OK, you're a bit quiet of late, have you taken him and decided not come home and do a degree in media studies - student life you can't beat it!!

Right! I am going to bed good night!!

  tressey Sep 25, 2007 7:47 AM

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