Hi All
Sorry have not being in contact, but this is the first time I have had access to the internet. What an experience since my last entry !
We left Lake Malawi after been fleeced by the locals, but rested after after a few days in a bed and catching some sun.
We arrived in Zimbabwe (after a 3 hour delay at the border of Mozambique and we only wanted to drive through!)to a power cut and no water, we pitched our tents and had a wee behind the bus then off to bed!!
Now in Zim. we had at least 3 stops by the police wanting to get on the truck to see if we had guns or explosives!!
First stop was in Harare for an hour to drop off Douglas our chef so he could go drop off food for his family and spend a few days with them. Harare is a lovely city, we felt safe although we dare not take photos as a previous truck had spent a night in jail for taking a foto near a goverment building !! The shops are practically empty and water and electricity are sparse in some parts but the locals appear remarkably up beat, we take so much fro granted.
Our next stop was at the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, the showers looked like something out of Coldwitz!! and it was freezing in the night we were sleeping in any spare clothing we could find!!
We spent the morning going around the ruins which was fascinating. On the truck again and off to Bulawayo.
We stayed on a lovely site on the outskirts with a small pool. Unfortunately there was an ant problem and I ahd to upgrade to a dorm the 2nd night as I woke up to ants in my pants!!
The next day has to be the high light of the trip so far, we went on a walking safari in the Matobo national park, home to the largest group of white rhino. Our guide was a less hyper Steve Irwin and fascinating. We came aound a corner to see 2 adult rhino about 20 metres away fom us. Ian our guide then said come on lets go see them! 1/2 of us got out of the jeep and followed our leader, not without acertain amount of hesitation, no actually fear is proberbly closer!!!
We got about 7/8 metres away before we had to retreat a sthey were getting edgy!!That night we went out to a local watering hole, where the majority if the group got extremely drunk!!!
Last stop on the tour was Vic Falls, a really small touristy town but the falls wre worth the visit, saw them from a helicoptor and in the national park and they are breath taking.
Watched some of the group throw them selves off the bridge; bungee and swing which had a 80metre freefall!!!
After a few tears left the group yesterday and arrived in Cape town around 8pm, the B7B is lovely; double bed,hairdryer,ensuite,pool!!! Ok camping was fun but this is fab!!!
Chilling today then going to explore tommorow.
By the way Fozzie goes back to college days he was my favourite muppet !
The tatto is not real did I not say that it was henna!!
Hope you all well
Take care
Loads of love
Tracey xxxx