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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "tour".

Camels and gypsies in the Jaisalmer desert

INDIA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [5128] | Comments [2]

The combination of sleeping aids did their job, much to my surprise, but I found myself waking up in Jaisalmer to the din of hundreds of touts and rickshaw wallahs shouting in through the bus windows. I never enjoy this part of travelling but you just ... Read more >

Tags: camel, desert, fort, tour

Captain Caveman and the mini Taj Mahal

INDIA | Thursday, 23 Jul 2009 | Views [6035] | Comments [1]

Expecting the unexpected and prepared for anything I was in Mumbai's hectic CST station a full two hours before the train was scheduled to leave. I plonked my conspicuous rucksack down in the middle of the station and sat on it, joining the crowds ... Read more >

Tags: cave, monsoon, tour

Mind your ears it's Mumbai!

INDIA | Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009 | Views [5624]

The sound of heavy rain on plastic woke me up. I was disoriented at first, wondering first where Claire was and second where I was. Then it clicked. London (or quite possibly in a holding pattern around the M25). Mumbai. I looked out the window to ... Read more >

Tags: cave, crazy people, religion, scam, tour, train

The Halong Bay Fiasco 2

VIETNAM | Sunday, 7 Jun 2009 | Views [2892] | Comments [2]

Day two of the Halong bay tour started surprisingly similarly to day one. Claire was in the shower when the phone rang. The voice said ”Finish! Leave hotel now!” I looked at my watch: 7.10 and we had been told to meet at 7.30. Ignoring what had been ... Read more >

Tags: beach, boat, canoe, island, island, tour, trekking

The Halong Bay Fiasco 1

VIETNAM | Saturday, 6 Jun 2009 | Views [2060]

It was an inauspicious start to the trip. We had slept through the alarm and were awoken by a heavy thumping on the paper thin bedroom door. The thoughtful receptionist had given us a 20 minute headstart before the promised air conditioned minivan ... Read more >

Tags: boat, cave, island, karaoke, mate, passport, tour

UXO and the plain of Jars

LAOS | Tuesday, 28 Apr 2009 | Views [5888] | Comments [1]

The 7.30 “AC” bus from Louang Prabang to Phonsavan left at exactly 8.30 and had quite a big hole in the floor under our seats. It was a comfy enough but windy journey punctuated by the obligatory noodle soup shop in a non-descript market town. Of the ... Read more >

Tags: guest house, history, tour, uxo, war

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