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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "desert".

Camels and gypsies in the Jaisalmer desert

INDIA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [5128] | Comments [2]

The combination of sleeping aids did their job, much to my surprise, but I found myself waking up in Jaisalmer to the din of hundreds of touts and rickshaw wallahs shouting in through the bus windows. I never enjoy this part of travelling but you just ... Read more >

Tags: camel, desert, fort, tour

Salar de Uyuni - Salt Flat tour to Atacama, Chile

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 6 Nov 2008 | Views [4227] | Video

So up we got the following morning for what has to be admitted as a rushed breakfast with the goal of not being late for the tour of the salt flats and Bolivian Altiplano. We had chosen a 2 night 3 day tour ending in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile as other ... Read more >

Tags: 4x4, desert, geyser, hot spring, rum, salt flats, volcano

Pisco to Huacachina to Nasca (por la Panamericana)

PERU | Monday, 29 Sep 2008 | Views [3162] | Comments [1]

After a hearty breakfast of 4 scrambled eggs (I had Claire's eggs, she had my bread - recipe for constipation or what!) we slung on our backpacks and grabbed the smallest taxi in the world to the panamerican highway. As usual driver was very friendly ... Read more >

Tags: buggy, desert, dune, huacachina, nasca, oasis, propellor, sandboarding

Lima to Pisco

PERU | Saturday, 27 Sep 2008 | Views [2974]

Another thing I had forgoten about Latinoameica was the buses. They´re more like planes. We left our hostel in Lima to get a bus to Pisco - thankfully only 6 blocks which gave us the opportunity to try out packs out walking a little in the heat. The ... Read more >

Tags: boat, culture, desert, earthquake, island, peru, wildlife

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