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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "fort".

Jodphur: an unexpected kite festival and an engagement party

INDIA | Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Views [2114] | Comments [1]

Having no hotel booked in Jodphur the rickshaw wallah took me to a place in the back streets. I didn't feel confident that Pushp would be a good place. Why would someone name their guesthouse after a push up? In fact, Pushp is named for the ... Read more >

Tags: family, festival, fort, party

Camels and gypsies in the Jaisalmer desert

INDIA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [5128] | Comments [2]

The combination of sleeping aids did their job, much to my surprise, but I found myself waking up in Jaisalmer to the din of hundreds of touts and rickshaw wallahs shouting in through the bus windows. I never enjoy this part of travelling but you just ... Read more >

Tags: camel, desert, fort, tour

Why Mandu?

INDIA | Monday, 27 Jul 2009 | Views [4604] | Comments [1]

The unmistakable stench of a combination of human excrement and decaying rubbush hit me as soon as I alighted the train. It was only a three hour train ride. My first, in Sleeper class was just fine but not quite as well equipped as AC class. Khandwa ... Read more >

Tags: bus, fort, monsoon, random, traffic jam

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