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The Magical China Trip 2012


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "tung-shan".

Nanjing Wish List

USA | Friday, 14 Sep 2012 | Views [740]

Originally, I had thought that my father lived in Nanjing, but I was incorrect.  I talked with Jody, my niece, who is really the expert on the Myers papers because of her dedicated work transcribing and indexing the contents of the 9 books of letters ... Read more >

Tags: china, d. f. myers, myers, nanjing, truck testing, tung-shan

A Day of Wonder - The Journey Continues

USA | Friday, 14 Sep 2012 | Views [1043]

(To appreciate the wonder, you should read the "Back Story" and the Shanghai and Nanjing "wish lists.") Yesterday was another completely magical day for me.   On my Nanjing wish list I had voiced the desire to go to Tung-Shan ... Read more >

Tags: d. f. myers, nanjing, tung-shan

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