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INDIA Unraveled In search of FREEDOM , DESTINY and TRUTH

failures set you FREE !!

INDIA | Friday, 11 April 2014 | Views [103]

If you are in your twenties, what has been referred to as a quarter life crisis also, then you must read it. Otherwise ignore.

No matter how ever confident and smart I may look, adopting that carefree and casual attitude, I am actually aware of what’s going on around me.

Friends are uploading their wedding photographs on face book, inbox is getting flooded by wedding invitations, someone is switching the job, and someone has gone to Delhi to prepare for Civil Services. You come back from office, go to your friend’s place and listen them enthusiastically talking about their future plans. Then there are lots of plans. Investment plans, marriage plans, buying car and house plans.

Somehow I could not identify myself with them. Frankly I get intimidated by their surety of what they want they want from life.

I was not prepared for my twenties. There were times when I was confused, anxious and melancholic. Not that I have come out of it completely. But YES, there has been a little improvement and I owe it to my sheer will power and determination to keep on moving, no matter what.

For years, I kept eluding doing what I liked most. Reason being, I was trying to be someone else, I was making an effort to keep my parents happy and was constantly working towards achieving something which I did not believe.

World is too ready to give you a definition of success. It can easily impose its idea of a successful life on you.

In her 2008 Harvard Commencement speech, J K Rowling said and I quote

‘I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.’

At twenty five, I might be a failure as per the norms of society. Am single, almost stuck with the job, childless and confined in some way. But what’s the point of a SUCCESS which does not make you happy. When ever I am haunted by my worst fears and insecurities of failures, I always make sure to ask myself just one question.

AN HONEST LIFE OR A GOOD LIFE. And my heart goes for an honest life because that’s where I truly meet myself.

There are huge chances , that I may get lost as an UNKNOWN in the crowd of thousands and thousands of creative people.I might have plunged myself into a pool of ignorance. And then there is always a question...What if.....whatever I write goes unnoticed , is mere bullshit and crap.What if...

But at the end of the day, I do not have any regrets.You can not be happy following someone else's ways. There is one and only one way of living your life and that is your way. I am finally doing what gives me deepest staisfaction . It is an adventure as well as risk to keep doing that without getting influenced by other's opinions.

Creativity is often a refuge, but it takes a very long time to actually make that refuge your home.

Writing is a very dull and lonely job. Believe me, sitting in your room, with doors locked and isolated from the outside world and typing those words in your laptop is tiresome. For days and days, there are no words, no ideas, no comments or feedbacks on the already written articles.

But something wonderful happens between 2 am to 4 am, you are looking for something, you want to talk to somebody but no one, practically no one is available for talking to you. Then suddenly some words pop out of nowhere, you get up, open the laptop and start giving shape to those words which are zooming in and out of your mind, with a speed, which you can only imagine.



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