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INDIA Unraveled In search of FREEDOM , DESTINY and TRUTH

MUNNAR : In God's OWN Country

INDIA | Sunday, 30 March 2014 | Views [130]

When you read Arundhati Roy’s booker prize winner book ‘The God of small things’, the images of Kerala would certainly undulate through your mind. The phrase ‘God’s own country’ comes alive, the moment you set your eyes on those vast expanse of green, paddy fields, backwaters and of course long series of coconut trees.

After driving our car though tricky tracks of Western Ghat Mountains for three hours, we did reach our hotel.

The room, up in the lap of stony mountains, allowed the bright sunshine into the room .Outside the window, it seemed, somebody has painted the earth with colour green. As far as your eyes could see, there was just an expanse of tea gardens. It was neither cold nor warm. Weather was just fine.

There was just ample time for us to wash and change.

We still had a long way to go, before we could actually witness the real Munnar, a hill station in Kerala, India.

Our spirits rose, as we stepped outside our hotel. The cold breeze in warm sunshine was one of the most soothing experiences that I have had in all these years. We got into the car and started driving up the slope of rocky pathways.

The best thing to happen during this visit is that we did not have an itinerary. A list of must see places. OR don’t miss that or this instruction from somebody, who have been to the place before.

Munnar has some of the most scenic beauties in the country. Whether it’s the Wuthering heights, turquoise lakes, fine tea gardens or wild life, you are sure to stumble upon wonders every now and then.

We suddenly felt hungry. It was time to stop the car and indulge into some local snacks. We came across a small shop, well, you can rarely call that thing a shop, it was a makeshift shelter made up of straws and raw wood. One old woman was making the meals, doing multiple things at a time, her dexterous fingers sifting and moving all the time. There were lots of raw snacks which are usually popular in mountains. We ordered two corns, the most popular snack, in this region.

After having the corns, we had pineapple with chilly on top. The melting taste of that spicy pineapple in the lap of mountains, with a blowing breeze and brightly lit sun in the sky, we felt blessed. We could not have asked for more!!!

Tags: arundhati roy, india, kerala, munnar, tea gardens

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