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INDIA Unraveled In search of FREEDOM , DESTINY and TRUTH

Trip: MUNNAR : In God's own Country

There are [2] stories from my trip: MUNNAR : In God's own Country

failures set you FREE !!

INDIA | Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | Views [103]

If you are in your twenties, what has been referred to as a quarter life crisis also, then you must read it. Otherwise ignore. No matter how ever confident and smart I may look, adopting that carefree and casual attitude, I am actually aware of what’... Read more >

MUNNAR : In God's OWN Country

INDIA | Sunday, 30 Mar 2014 | Views [131]

When you read Arundhati Roy’s booker prize winner book ‘The God of small things’, the images of Kerala would certainly undulate through your mind. The phrase ‘God’s own country’ comes alive, the moment you set your ... Read more >

Tags: arundhati roy, india, kerala, munnar, tea gardens