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INDIA Unraveled In search of FREEDOM , DESTINY and TRUTH

Trip: Rishikesh , a paradise indeed

There are [3] stories from my trip: Rishikesh , a paradise indeed

I did not conclude anything !!!

INDIA | Sunday, 23 Mar 2014 | Views [169]

The immense possibilities that travel can do to the people have always enchanted me. It is not something that you can jot down on a piece of paper ,nevertheless, one has to take the road and experience it himself to witness the alluring and alarming ... Read more >

Why do You Travel ?

INDIA | Friday, 14 Mar 2014 | Views [149]

  This wonderful flotilla of words is not just a coincidence. Whatever you are going to read below, is coming from the journeys that I undertake all alone on my own. This is coming from different rooms from different places where I stayed ... Read more >

Tags: audacity, embarassed, single travelling woman

Rishikesh : A paradise Indeed !!!

INDIA | Friday, 14 Mar 2014 | Views [154]

That’s it. I decided at last. Having a last fleeting glance at the items strewn on the bed, I felt fresh and new. One pair of clothes, a travel pouch, a towel, a pair of slippers, a novel, a notepad and a shining blue pen. For the next ... Read more >

Tags: apple, ashram, beatles, himalayas, india, meditation, rishikesh, sprituality, steve jobs, world yoga center