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INDIA Unraveled In search of FREEDOM , DESTINY and TRUTH

That smile in Hampi

INDIA | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Views [120] | Scholarship Entry

The last light in the sky lit up the relics of a bygone glorious era. There is something about the scattered ruins of Hampi which becomes stark only under the luscious, soft streaks of sunset. I stand amid the fallen structures, looking far in the distance. The perfume of scorched soil is filling the air.

I try to recollect the other day spent in, Hampi.Outside; I braved the scorching afternoon heat and marvelled at the expanse of rice paddies, lush green banana plantations and a series of palm groves.
I savour soothing taste of chilled water on my tongue under the blazing sun. The sweet enervation flooding my body from the unusual long walks. As I lay down on my bed in the small room, the powerful images of the ruins kept coming back to me.
Guided by the human tendency to convert every experience into some sort of pattern, I rummage for words that would best describe the impact that this place has on me. The senseless destruction and an endeavour to survive, is a paradox too powerful and too valuable to jot down. I detest the idea. I try not to think but enjoy the sudden calm and rush of emotions that flooded my soul.
The silence of sunlit evening is shattered by a scream. I whip around and see a boy sprinting up the grounds waving his hand towards me.
‘Madam, secret chamber, king secret chamber’
‘Where? ‘I ask.
We walk down the stairs, down the dark path and come across a small hall without roof. My eyes adjust to the muted light.
We lapse into silence, observing and absorbing the new found information.
I fumble into my handbag for camera. I face the opposite wall; he moves back and hides himself behind one of the pillar. I ask him if he would like to have a photograph.
He smiles. That smile touch his wet, expressive eyes making them sprinkle.
I wonder what may lie behind this gentrified smile. I press my fingers on camera button and with a flash keep his smile safe with me.
‘Don’t you go to school?’
‘Going Madam, 9th class, part time job ‘he replies back eagerly.
As I set off toward my parked moppet, I wonder what lies behind that smile. Nevertheless, I relish that smile, which entails both vulnerability and power. It disturbs me yet slowly alleviates my worries and fears. A strange emotion seeps out into my soul. I find that little boy inside me and this realization makes me smile.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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