Travelled all day to Coban and stayed the night.
Next day we went to Semuc champey. Its a beautiful jungle with big waterfalls rivers and pools which we swam in. Had a few camera problems so not many photos from here on to chichicastenango.
We also went to a bat cave and at sunset millions of them swarm out of the cave right infront of your face, its really was incredible. We were ment to be picked up outside but ended up waiting a while, got a little concerned due to it being pitch black in the jungle and also knowing that to guards with big shot guns were just a few feet away from us, but all went well.
Say goodbye to some friends except nick who is still with us.
Travelled all day again to chichicastenango. Its the most stunning things driving through the highlands, shame i got no photos, however, and there normally is a however, the van got stuck several times going up, meaning all the men had to get out and push the bloody thing up hill, was amazed Pat kept his temper.
Eventually made it and its was great, its the crazyest ´place on the trip so far, in the morning we thought world war three had started, its really sounded like the town was being mortared and we even though we heard gun fire, seems silly, but a few days previous we played pool with a fella that had a pistol in his belt, as it turned out it some big catholic prosession parading through the streets, got some pics you can see. At one point we were standing at a stall (the stalls are awesome by the way) when some bloke runs over, pushes jim out the way and lights a rocked vertually under his arse. All the stall people ran for the hills and we looked at each other and bolted as the thing went off.
You do get alot of hassle here to buy stuff, but its so poor and i feel so rich in comparison. Jim cant resist buying crap for the kids.