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Carry on Trekking

A Few Facts

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 9 Apr 2009 | Views [434]

Whenever you finish a trip you always look back on what you've been up to and the accountant in me likes to work out the stats, so here they are:- We've spent over 100 hours in the air and Dave jumped out of one. Travelled by 15 different modes of ... Read more >

Final Days on the Road

THAILAND | Thursday, 9 Apr 2009 | Views [502]

Our last week or so in China was really good full of some amazing experiences. Here are a few of the highlights:- Camel Trekking in Inner Mongolia. It was only a baby desert but picture perfect with yellow sand dunes heading in all directions. Dinner ... Read more >

China Adventures

CHINA | Tuesday, 24 Mar 2009 | Views [501]

We've been in China for 3 weeks now but have had a little trouble getting internet access, hence the lack of stories... We started off in Hong Kong where we were able to revisit some favourite sites in slightly better weather i.e. it wasn't raining ... Read more >

Gallery: China

CHINA | Saturday, 7 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Macau

MACAU | Saturday, 7 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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The Night Train

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2009 | Views [497]

Night trains and buses are strange things. To make the best use of your time, avoid boredom and -yes- save money too ;you travel overnight. Sleeping with total strangers in a very small space you arrive bleary eyed in a new place and you know you should ... Read more >

The Tailors of Hoi An

VIETNAM | Thursday, 12 Feb 2009 | Views [493]

Hoi An is famous for being the place to get clothes made in Vietnam and wow, it has a lot of tailors! However it does mean us poor tourists then have to run the gauntlet of trying to find a good one... Our first try was a bit of a disaster. We'd thought ... Read more >

Good Morning Vietnam!

VIETNAM | Monday, 2 Feb 2009 | Views [523]

As you've probably guessed by the title, we've left Cambodia and headed across the border to Vietnam. Our last week in Cambodia was good. We spent a fair amount of time lazing on the beach - Sihanoukville is a bit like a cross between Costa del Cambodia ... Read more >

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Friday, 30 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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All Visa'd Up!

CAMBODIA | Monday, 19 Jan 2009 | Views [521]

Well our extra long stay in Phnom Penh was worth it and we're now all visa'd up for the rest of our trip. The Vietnamese one was so easy, drop it off in the morning (with form, money and photos)and pick it up in the afternoon, that we felt brave enough ... Read more >

Cambodian Adventures

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009 | Views [628]

We’ve been in Cambodia just over a week now and are really enjoying it. It’s a quirky place, where the motorbikes are powered by vegetable oil (usually in the form of old pop bottles) bought from roadside racks, and you can’t walk down the street for ... Read more >

Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 7 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Welcome to 2009

CAMBODIA | Monday, 5 Jan 2009 | Views [530]

I know it's been a while since I last updated this but well nevermind. Leading up to Christmas we overlanded it through Malaysia stopping off at Melacca and Penang for a bit of colonial history and KL for the modern towers. In KL we stayed in Chinatown ... Read more >

Gallery: Thailand

THAILAND | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 16 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 14 photos >>

New Continents

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 10 Dec 2008 | Views [548]

Well, we've left Australia behind us and are in Singapore now, not for long though as we move on to Malaysia tomorrow morning. Our last couple of weeks in Oz were fun with sky diving (Dave only I'm not that mad) and surfing (it's a lot harder than ... Read more >

Some Sun..........

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 23 Nov 2008 | Views [471]

and lots and lots of rain! Whoever said it was always sunny in Oz was lying! We've had some absolutely beautiful weather and really hot days but then there have been some very impressive storms - we had to sprint to get to undercover (a very convenient ... Read more >

Red Centre

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Views [551]

We spent 8 days letting the others rush on our way through the outback from Adelaide to Alice Springs. We spent most nights camping out under the stars (when it wasn't raining - whoever said it never rains in the outback was lying!). Swags are definetly ... Read more >

Convict Trails

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Views [710]

Our first couple of weeks in Oz was spent following the convicts round Tassie. From Hobart and the Female Factory (well they were women so you couldn't really call it a prison now could you), through Richmond and the convict built bridge (the flagellator ... Read more >

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