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through my eyes... the world according to a globe-trotting, sight-seeing, day-tripping, frequent-flying damsel in de-stress


There are [0] photos and [21] stories tagged with "planes trains & automobiles".

Bidding Ecuador hasta luego...

ECUADOR | Saturday, 24 Sep 2011 | Views [1159]

The time has finally come—our last full day in Ecuador. The day after our excursion to Isla de la Plata, we flew back to Quito so we could catch a plane the following day for home. Flying from Manta to Quito is a difference of over 9000 feet, which ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

On human rights and missing flights...

ISRAEL | Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011 | Views [914]

After my first attempt at surfing and a fun day of paddle boarding, the last day of our trip arrived. That evening, I had the pleasure of meeting an old friend of David's who used to live in the U.S., but now makes Israel his home. This friend is a peace ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles

Shalom from Jerusalem...

ISRAEL | Monday, 21 Mar 2011 | Views [1269]

Here I am, in Israel at last. I've wanted to visit this country for years, but the opportunity just never arose. This is a unique trip for me for several reasons. First, I am not doing volunteer work, therefore the trip is shorter than my normal. Second, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, religion

Sawatdika from Bangkok...

THAILAND | Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 | Views [1582] | Comments [1]

Here I am in Bangkok, after 20 hours of flying and continuous blessings from the travel gods (those fickle deities who at times wreak havoc with your travel life, and at other times see fit to bestow good fortune). This time I was blessed with a row ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

The journey from Delhi to Jodhpur...

INDIA | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [2502] | Comments [1]

Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said Egypt was good preparation for India. It's still true in some aspects, but in the sleeper train department it couldn't be further from the truth. Taking a sleeper train in India—even the tourist/business-class sort—is ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

Namaste from New Delhi...

INDIA | Monday, 30 Mar 2009 | Views [1066]

I can hardly believe that I am in India. It feels a bit decadent to be taking a trip so soon after my last, but the timing could not be helped. Compared to my journey to Egypt, the journey here was unremarkable. The flights were on time, there was no ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles

Riding Donkey to the Valley of the Kings...

EGYPT | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008 | Views [5824]

I can honestly say that we've tried just about every form of transportation on this trip, with the notable exception of bicycles (which would be ridiculously stupid on Egyptian roads, but you do see them). We've traveled via bus, van, train, boat, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

Traveling via police convoy...

EGYPT | Monday, 24 Nov 2008 | Views [2215]

There are many parts of Egypt, Upper Egypt in particular (and remember, Upper Egypt is actually southern Egypt), in which travel restrictions apply to all foreigners. After a number of terrorist incidents resulted in the deaths of tourists in the 1990s, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

Not sleeping on a sleeper train...

EGYPT | Thursday, 20 Nov 2008 | Views [1185]

After exploring the city of Alexandria, which is three hours north of Cairo, we are on a sleeper train to Luxor. Surprisingly the train is on time, because we hear that it is notorious for considering its schedule more of a "guideline," give ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing


EGYPT | Tuesday, 18 Nov 2008 | Views [1159]

I've been to a lot of countries with hair-raising traffic, but Egypt might just take the cake. My guide book says that riding a bike here is tantamount to suicide, and now I understand. Aside from the double (and sometimes triple)-parked cars along the ... Read more >

Tags: cultural observations, planes trains & automobiles

Asalaamu Aleikum from Cairo...

EGYPT | Sunday, 16 Nov 2008 | Views [951]

The travel gods, fickle deities that they are, both giveth and taketh away. On a packed flight to JFK, I was seated with one passenger who was very territorial about the armrests. The other passenger in my row slept for most of the flight, head thrown ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Buenas dias from Lima

PERU | Saturday, 8 Sep 2007 | Views [794]

The purpose of this entry is simply to let everyone know that I´ve arrived safely in Lima. In fact, traveling here was one of the smoothest trips I´ve ever taken—no delays, good weather, I even had an empty seat next to me on the flight. An empty seat ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

There and back again...

SPAIN | Monday, 28 Aug 2006 | Views [848]

So here we are, my final entry for this trip. My luggage never did make it to my hotel. Instead, this morning when I returned to the airport to catch my flight home, I stopped in the baggage terminal and lo-and-behold: there it stood, in a sea of other ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles, relaxation, sightseeing

Nothing but coffee and the clothes on my back...

SPAIN | Friday, 25 Aug 2006 | Views [1139]

I believe that my first entry in this summer’s journal said something to the effect of ‘travel is not for everyone.’ Funny how that is how my journal began—and now that I am preparing to end my journey, that is also how it will end. When I arrived in ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles

Terrorist plots and flying carpets...

TURKEY | Sunday, 13 Aug 2006 | Views [982]

Several days ago, a terrorist plot to bomb nine planes with liquid explosives (concealed in carry-on luggage) was foiled at Heathrow Airport. Needless to say, it’s been all over the media and has resulted in even tighter flight restrictions. I had no ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

An unexpected turn of events...

GREECE | Thursday, 13 Jul 2006 | Views [4013]

I guess how you set your expectations has everything to do with the outcome of a situation. Or at least your perception of it. Take the overnight ferry from Athens to Crete, for instance. I was prepared for it to be like most ferries I’ve been on—a huge ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing, voluntourism

Public transportation and high places...

GREECE | Sunday, 9 Jul 2006 | Views [1032]

Taking public transportation in Europe is a bit like hopping into the clown car at the circus. If you’re even a little claustrophobic (like me) or averse to having any part of your body touch a strange, sweaty person (like me), then each trip on the bus ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

A nauseating journey...

GREECE | Tuesday, 4 Jul 2006 | Views [843]

In Morocco, each of my mates became sick with an affliction that affects travelers around the world. I guess I don’t really need to be delicate about this, since it's something that happens to everyone at one time or another. In Mexico, it's called ‘Montezuma’s ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, doctors hospitals & health, planes trains & automobiles

Morocco bound...

MOROCCO | Saturday, 24 Jun 2006 | Views [3284]

After a 3-hr ferry ride across the Strait of Gibraltar and a 6-hr drive through Moroccan countryside, we've arrived in the city of Fez, Morocco's oldest Imperial city. The ferry ride was an experience in itself, not least because of a 2-hr delay for goodness-... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

On the road again...

PORTUGAL | Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 | Views [849]

As I write this particular entry, we are on our way from Lisbon, Portugal to Sevilla, Spain before we head down to Morocco. The Portuguese countryside is full of cork oaks and olive trees, as well as the traditional white stucco houses with a solid color ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

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