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Buenas dias from Lima

PERU | Saturday, 8 September 2007 | Views [845]

The purpose of this entry is simply to let everyone know that I´ve arrived safely in Lima. In fact, traveling here was one of the smoothest trips I´ve ever taken—no delays, good weather, I even had an empty seat next to me on the flight. An empty seat is like a gift from the travel gods.

I have nothing to say about Lima just yet, except that it´s chilly because September is the end of their winter season. I do have two very important facts to lay on you, though (you know how I love my facts). First, despite the fact that Peru supposedly exports good coffee, it´s hard to find it in the cafes and restaurants. What they serve is either 1) cafe pasado—or "passed coffee"—which is coffee that has already been percolated, and to which you add hot water, or 2) Nescafe. That blasted Nescafe is a plague upon the coffee-drinking population.

The second very important fact is this: there are 15 Starbucks in Lima. And since I am only in Lima for another day (flying to Cuzco tomorrow, where there are NO Starbucks), then I plan to take advantage of at least one of them sometime today. : )

Oh, before I forget: although I have an international calling plan, my service doesn´t seem to be working. So if I´ve promised to call some of you, this is why I haven´t. Hopefully I will get that worked out soon. Now, time to go exploring...Buenas dias!

Tags: planes trains & automobiles



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