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through my eyes... the world according to a globe-trotting, sight-seeing, day-tripping, frequent-flying damsel in de-stress

Trip: Ecuador

There are [10] stories from my trip: Ecuador

Bidding Ecuador hasta luego...

ECUADOR | Saturday, 24 Sep 2011 | Views [1159]

The time has finally come—our last full day in Ecuador. The day after our excursion to Isla de la Plata, we flew back to Quito so we could catch a plane the following day for home. Flying from Manta to Quito is a difference of over 9000 feet, which ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, planes trains & automobiles, sightseeing

Whales, boobies, and sea turtles (oh my!)...

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 20 Sep 2011 | Views [1668]

After enjoying a week playing on the beach and in the surf, we opted to spend our last day on Ecuador's coast in Puerto Lopez, a sleepy fishing town about two hours south of Manta. It wasn't really the town we were interested in, but a trip to Isla ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, sightseeing

Kiteboarding days 1 through 4...

ECUADOR | Sunday, 18 Sep 2011 | Views [1302]

There are challenges, and there are challenges. For example, not speaking the language is a challenge. Learning a new sport while trying to overcome a phobia that I've had since childhood is an entirely different challenge. I mentioned in my first ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

Exploring Quito and Otavalo...

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Views [1030]

Can you believe that on my very last night at my volunteer placement two new volunteers arrived? Just my luck. But it's time to look forward, for now that my volunteer work has come to an end for this trip, the rest of the vacation begins. This is another ... Read more >

Tags: sightseeing

Saying Adios to the students of Ayudamos a Vivir...

ECUADOR | Sunday, 11 Sep 2011 | Views [1164]

Today was my last day at the school, which completes the first phase of my Ecuadorian vacation. We had a special program complete with dancing, food, and a puppet show. A visitor came by the school to see the facility and observe the students. She engaged ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, language, voluntourism

Mis amigos especiales...

ECUADOR | Friday, 9 Sep 2011 | Views [1326]

It's inevitable that I have my favorites. It happens every time and there's no rhyme or reason to it. I have several this time, but I think the most special is Vanessa, who I've already mentioned. She's mentally sharp, but trapped in a body contorted ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, voluntourism

Un dia en la vida...

ECUADOR | Thursday, 8 Sep 2011 | Views [1296]

The neighbor's rooster is confused. Muy confundido. At 1:30 in the god-forsaken morning, he begins notifying all within earshot that dawn is at hand—a full 3.5 hours before the first rays of sun make their timid appearance. Soon after, the neighborhood's ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, voluntourism

Hay uno solamente...

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 6 Sep 2011 | Views [1238]

This is going to be a challenge. This is my fifth volunteer trip. Of those five, only twice did I actually do the job for which I applied. It's funny how that works, but it's yet another instance in which you must 'go with the flow.' Well this time, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, language, voluntourism

Buenos dias from Quito

ECUADOR | Sunday, 4 Sep 2011 | Views [1122]

It's been a stressful summer at home. When I travel, I often feel "ready" for a vacation , but I don't recall ever feeling quite as desperate for time away as I have before this trip. Here's a little story to illustrate just how much I've cracked ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, voluntourism

Photos: Ecuador

ECUADOR | Friday, 19 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

All photos taken by Colleen Finn
See all 80 photos >>