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Immersing myself in Ecuador

The journey.

ECUADOR | Saturday, 16 Mar 2013 | Views [796]

This journal entry is not about a recent destination I've visited.  It's more about the journey that brought me here.  I hope that it can inspire someone or at least help all of those people who do not understand my decision to do this a little ... Read more >

Tags: being single, brave, changing your life, lonely, solo travel

Stuck in the City - Cuenca, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013 | Views [721] | Comments [2]

I have not written about my experience in Cuenca for a few weeks.  One reason is I wanted to distance myself from it and not write a horrible review just because I was in a funk for the last 10 days of my stay there.  Another is because once ... Read more >

Tags: carnaval, cuenca, musea del banco central

Roller Coaster times in Banos, Ecuador.

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013 | Views [751]

It has been an interesting week.  Last Sunday I went with my host family (Liz and her children Luigi and Analei) on a short road trip.  We followed a route known as the Ruta de las Cascadas ( the route of the waterfalls).  Tourists usually ... Read more >

Tags: banos, buses in ecuador, canyoning, geotours, language barrier, loneliness, pailon, rafting

Finding the way in Banos, Ecuador.

ECUADOR | Saturday, 26 Jan 2013 | Views [931]

I have spent the last week in a new and totally different environment from Montanita.  Banos is like an island.  Standing in the middle of town you can turn 360 degrees and see only mountains on all sides.  Lush green surrounds the town ... Read more >

Tags: banos, hot springs, illness, spanish school

To sleep or not to sleep!!

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013 | Views [615]

Montanita, Ecuador.  I can never remember which city it is that never sleeps.  New York or Las Vegas?  No matter what, this small town on the coast of Ecuador could put them to shame.  EVERY NIGHT of the week there are people out ... Read more >

Tags: beach, mar azul, montanita, party

No Homesickness Yet!!

ECUADOR | Sunday, 6 Jan 2013 | Views [530] | Comments [3]

I am writing this journal entry just to let my friends and loved ones know that I am safe and well.  I arrived in Guayaquil very early on Friday the 4th and then had a 2 hour cab ride to my little hotel in Montanita, Ecuador.  I was given a ... Read more >

Tags: homesick, montanita

Leaving Alaska. The start of my new life!!

USA | Friday, 28 Dec 2012 | Views [477]

Today I will leave the unbelievable majesty that is the state of Alaska.  I have never lived anywhere that I have felt fits me so well.  I will definately keep this beautiful place in my heart as my true home.  I am so excited to discover ... Read more >

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