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Cath's travels

Never give your passport to a Russian

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Tuesday, 13 Aug 2013 | Views [440]

With every slowly passing mile there is definitely a sense of leaving Asia and entering Europe. Bye bye banana trees and coconuts, motorbikes and elephants, hello Siberian wolves, forests and wrinkly old ladies in wooly cardigans. Feet nicely propped ... Read more >

Hey this is Asia - or is it me?

CHINA | Friday, 2 Aug 2013 | Views [591]

So it's three weeks into the road trip and am still alive, healthy and happy. Facebook proxy organized, tickets bookends to Beijing, pizza and beer devoured, so feeling ready for second entry. Currently in Lijiang in Yunnan province - ancient Naxi ... Read more >

Thailand - the journey begins

THAILAND | Wednesday, 17 Jul 2013 | Views [377]

So, after a stunning sunning four days in a bootifull house by the beach in ko phangan, it's now time to start the challenge - from Penang to London (or Aberaeron, depending on cash and energy), all overland. Train, tuk tuk (eughh), bus, car, motorbike, ... Read more >

Snooty Ooty

INDIA | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Views [570]

Back in Tamil Nadu and have returned to the horrors of an Indian town. Kerala was a different world. Fort Cochin, was bliss, admittedly not at all an Indian town - portuguese n dutch architecture and even a 'Jew town' as it was called. Goats filling ... Read more >

Hill station bliss

INDIA | Monday, 12 Jul 2010 | Views [450]

So, day six and have not stopped for breath (poss coz of gross car fumes eugh!). It's been templetastic and manic!!! Seen temples at Chidambaram awopbamboom!, Thanjavor, Mamallapuram, Tiruchirappalli...oh my word! Palaces, Rock forts, the senses cannot ... Read more >

Just arrived and surviving

INDIA | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Views [361]

Ok so two days into the grand India tour and am still standing and feeling healthy. Flew into Chennai eughh what a place! Nasty air pollution made me sneeze all day, and very very chaotic, fun for a bit, but eventually became a bit too mad. So, made ... Read more >

The Final Continent

CHILE | Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [607]

Well well well, after a year of just saying in passing, ´yeah, then I fly to South America' it´s actually happening! Currently in a cutsie little town north of Sandiago in Chille, called La Serena, and it may as well be in Catalonia or somewhere - very ... Read more >

OMG OMG!!!!!!

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Views [412]

Wow what a place!!! New Zealand has blown me away!!! Almost every place has been awe inspiring and absolutely bootiful. Future plans definitely involving this country. Currently in North Island in a lovely sea side town - enjoyed fush n chups on the ... Read more >

Kiwi kiwi

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 23 Sep 2008 | Views [499]

Ahhhh all is calm here in New Zealand. Flew over 'the alps' into Christchurch yesterday, and after manic 'can do' 'that's amazing' oz, New Zealand seems so peaceful and calm. Half thought of changing my ticket so I could stay here. But come on Cath -... Read more >

To dive or not to dive?

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 25 Aug 2008 | Views [577]

Ok, so the dilema is - should I do a diving course in the cold winter weather, where it's not great coral but very cheap? Hmmmm... I went 7 months in Thailand without even thinking of doing a dive, and now the though hits me in a freezing windy island.... Read more >

He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 9 Aug 2008 | Views [650]

Well, last entry was a million years ago. On next leg of my year in exile, and spent a few days in Darwin, the top end of Oz. Awsome friendly people!!! The houses are exactly the kind of rubbish pre-fab jobbies you see in Home and Away - had lunch in ... Read more >

Gallery: Bye Bye Thailand

THAILAND | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 174 photos >>

Down the dragon

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 25 Jun 2008 | Views [590]

Well, am one week and a bit into my Vietnam odyssey and have been soooo lucky with everything - weather, friends, being shafted by touts, not to mention the motorbikes.... Arrived well excited in Hanoi, and spent a happy day there, wandering the streets, ... Read more >

Goodbye to Thailand

THAILAND | Sunday, 15 Jun 2008 | Views [697]

Fuck fuck fuck wrote a nice, fairly sentimental story about leaving Thailand and the bloody internet went down. Bloody Bangkok. Anyway, it's my last day in Thailand Boo! Was utterly depressed yesterday - the thought of leaving Chiang Mai was too terrible!!! ... Read more >

Tags: on the road

Gallery: Pilgrimage

THAILAND | Sunday, 25 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 25 photos >>

Gallery: Luang Prabang

LAOS | Saturday, 3 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

Up and down the Mekong
See all 19 photos >>

From the Land of a million elephants

LAOS | Tuesday, 15 Apr 2008 | Views [684]

Man it's crazy here in Luang Prabang! After a gorgeous two day boat trip along the mighty Mekong river (sore arse and sunburn to show for it) landed in LP, greeted by crazy arsed children throwing flour and water. It's the Buddhist lunar new year, Sonkran, ... Read more >

Tags: on the road

Gallery: Me Ruth and other animals

THAILAND | Sunday, 24 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 31 photos >>

I should have known better

THAILAND | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Views [848]

So what's new? last time I wrote had come back from crazy la la meditation retreat. Happy to say am back in the real world - Have an apartment (oh it is a beauty!), a bike (not so much) a few jobs here and there... Trying to live off my earnings which ... Read more >

Tags: i should have known better!

Gallery: Xmas, med and suk.

THAILAND | Friday, 18 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 45 photos >>

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