Ok so two days into the grand India tour and am still standing and feeling healthy. Flew into Chennai eughh what a place! Nasty air pollution made me sneeze all day, and very very chaotic, fun for a bit, but eventually became a bit too mad.
So, made a quick dash to Mallamapuram - lots of temples and stone carvings and bass reliefs and monolithic structures to see. V beautiful. Plus am truly in the backpacking scene again woohoo! Banana pancakes anyone?
Heading off to Pondy tomoz, maybe will stay for a few days with day trips here and there, and then on to who knows where. Weather brill so far - actually cold - no aircon all of last night!
People very friendly, even tho much staring is happening. Oh well, it's a good excuse to dress skanky and not wear make up and other such frivolities.