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People's Environmental Awareness - Khati (PEAK) Follow PEAK with the financial assistance of World Nomads on the path to delivering educational, water supplies & solar home lighting systems to Kumaon villages....

From a white wonderland to a deathly black...

INDIA | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [611]

12.02.2009 This morning the mountains were like 'fairyland'. We woke to a pristine white landscape and at first light the near full moon dominated the sky as a massive white orb. Yesterday's snowfall was the first for this winter and the villagers rejoiced ... Read more >

Snowflakes and quakes

INDIA | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [561]

11.02.2009 The sky has been brooding black all morning. Last night we had our first rain in weeks, not much but enough to wet the fields and fill the air with wondrous earthy smells. I sent the kids home from school early as some have quite a distance ... Read more >

Glacier melt and the last 'tango'....

INDIA | Saturday, 28 Feb 2009 | Views [566]

02.02.2009 I would love to be able to tell tales of five feet of snow, snowball fights, cracking thick ice off the morning water buckets and of tracking wild animal prints in fresh powder snow... alas I have been basking in warm winter sun and having ... Read more >

Solar dreaming becomes a fully fledged reality

INDIA | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Views [700]

I have to say that this project could be likened to being on a roller coaster, but it has been an incredible experience. Despite the extended transport period the 'fragile' goods languished at various railway platforms en-route, bounced around in trucks ... Read more >

Almora and the last of the great headache...

INDIA | Monday, 22 Dec 2008 | Views [730]

The Dhakuri Pass PCO (phone), the mountain communities verbal lifeline to the outside world closed down permanently when the associated machinery broke down about 6 weeks ago, signaling the end of the 'community phone' era. A private company has moved ... Read more >

Dr 'Biscott', a wedding & two funerals...

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Dec 2008 | Views [715]

As the whole of India was tranfixed on the unfolding events live on television stations that became widely known as Mumbai 26/11, we remained ensconced in the mountains blissfully oblivious to the dramas. Then a friend relayed what he had heard on the ... Read more >

Gallery: Sunderdhunga valley

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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A tangle with Indian bureaucracy, weather and the realities of global food prices...

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Dec 2008 | Views [522]

Our first stop enroute to Khati was at the Foreigners Registration Office in Bageshwar (Uttarakhand). Here - despite having the appropriate visa -we were pummeled by bureaucracy for a multitude of paperwork to register at the office. Two days of negotiations ... Read more >

Gallery: Khati solar home lighting project

INDIA | Friday, 19 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Sunderdhunga Valley

INDIA | Friday, 19 Dec 2008 | Views [545]

Amongst Khati chaos and before we began teaching and undertaking solar installation we decided to trek into Sunderdhunga Valley. It is a trek that we have done before (except this time we didn't spend 5 days at Bellony tops snowed in, stuck in the ... Read more >

More solar dreaming....

INDIA | Thursday, 18 Dec 2008 | Views [515]

The solar home lighting system project is to ostensibly provide lighting to the village of Khati, Kumaon Himalaya, India. In the initial stages of the project it was calculated that 58 solar units would provide for all Khati households, however a second ... Read more >


INDIA | Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Views [525]

PEAK would like to thank World Nomads for their unwaivering support on our journey to complete the Solar Home Lighting Project in the Kumaon Himalaya, India. As STA Travel Trust grant recipients we also thank STA in providing airfares and our private ... Read more >

Gallery: Potable water/hygiene education project

INDIA | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Potable water project update....

INDIA | Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [730]

Thankyou to the wonderful support of the World Nomads Footprints Program, in 2008 PEAK was able to initiate and successfully complete the Potable water/hygiene education project. As explained in a prior entry the project was slow to get going courtesy ... Read more >

Tags: mountain water project

BK's School & hygiene education....

INDIA | Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [1173]

BK's Community School or the 'Library' as it is locally called has nearly 70 students from Class 1 to Class 5 enrolled in 2008. Resources including coloured pencils, paint, crayons, glue, coloured paper, games etc have provided a stimulating classroom ... Read more >

Environment Centre

INDIA | Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [716]

People's Environmental Awareness-Khati is undergoing the final touches to the Environment Centre. The area has been a hive of activity with mud rendering, painting, attaching animal handles to doors/windows and photograph mounting underway. The season ... Read more >

Khati ramblings (part 2)

INDIA | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [715]

According to UNICEF "even before the global food crisis almost half of all Indian children showed signs of stunted growth" (Infochange India, Feb 2008). This area is blessed with abundance in comparison to life in many other regions of India.... Read more >

Khati ramblings....

INDIA | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [830]

Khati's newest arrival was born on the 24.02.2008. Piria entered the world in under two hours to be greeted by a hostile father who was far from pleased at the presence of yet another girl. The family now has three girls and one boy. However, I must ... Read more >

Banking & other oddities....

INDIA | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [616]

In Almora, the banking world is a curious blend of the old (dusty triplicate ledgers) to the new (computers). Somehow the sparkling new ATM seems incongruous to the old bank building that stands with its rear windows open. Where else can you sit on a ... Read more >

Tags: mountain water project

Gallery: Khati

INDIA | Saturday, 23 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

landscape in winter
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