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People's Environmental Awareness - Khati (PEAK) Follow PEAK with the financial assistance of World Nomads on the path to delivering educational, water supplies & solar home lighting systems to Kumaon villages....

Photos: Working shots: fuel efficient stoves (chulhas), Jatoli, Kumaon Himalaya, India

INDIA | Monday, 13 Jun 2016 | Photo Gallery

See all 64 photos >>

Photos: Improving education in the Kumaon Himalaya (India) 2015/16. Part 2.

INDIA | Monday, 30 May 2016 | Photo Gallery

Photos taken when delivering educational materials to Jatoli and Ritang in late March (2016) for the start of the school year.... until the battery on the digital camera went flat (before we had finished taking photos) at 2400m with no means to recharge!! ... Read more >
See all 28 photos >>

Tags: education ritang uttarakhand india

Photos: Improving education in the Kumaon Himalaya (India) 2015/16

INDIA | Wednesday, 25 May 2016 | Photo Gallery

Random photos taken by both the students and community teacher at Khati, Kumaon Himalaya, India.
See all 54 photos >>

Tags: education library khati uttarakhand india

Educational Resources - Jatoli

INDIA | Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 | Views [745]

As mentioned in previous blog entries, the educational resource project for the region was multi-faceted with the organisational component of purchasing the goods proving time consuming. School goodies came from as far afield as Delhi (educational games/toys), ... Read more >

Tags: educational supply project, jatoli, kumaon himalaya, peak

Educational Resources - Khati (Part 2)

INDIA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2014 | Views [760]

    The new printer is a welcome community addition that needed a 'home'. The library isn't a great spot, thanks to many, many inquisitive little fingers.... So it was decided that the main area of the peAk building was a good central ... Read more >

Tags: education, khati, kumoan himalaya, library, peak, school

Educational Resources - Khati (Part 1)

INDIA | Wednesday, 19 Mar 2014 | Views [844]

In 2013/14 peAk, funded by the Word Nomads Footprints program, provided educational resources in the region. This included financial support for a community teacher, library supplies and educational material for the children of Jatoli School (7km from ... Read more >

Tags: education, khati, kumaon himalaya, library, peak

The 'library'

INDIA | Tuesday, 18 Mar 2014 | Views [655]

Over the last year peAk's library has worked very successfully in tandem with the government school in Khati. The new working system sees the students attend their morning school assembly at the government school (150 metres away) with the first class ... Read more >

Tags: education, khati, kumaon himalaya, library, peak

Photos: peAk working shots - Jatoli 2014

INDIA | Sunday, 16 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

PEAK photos
See all 11 photos >>

The aftermath of the Uttarakhand floods

INDIA | Saturday, 15 Mar 2014 | Views [909]

In mid June 2013 there was an unprecented rainfall event in Uttarakhand, India. A combination of heavy rain and cloudbursts over a number of days created untold misery for thousands across the state. The Indian Army airlifted over 100 000 people out ... Read more >

Tags: india, khati, kumaon himalaya, uttarakhand floods

peAk - the busy year so far.....

INDIA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 | Views [646]

The World Nomads 'Footprints' program provided finances for peAk's latest educational resource project which was rolled out gradually over the end of 2013 into 2014. PeAk would like to thank both World Nomads and  travelling community for enabling ... Read more >

Tags: education, khati, kumaon himalaya, library, peak

Photos: peAk working shots - Khati 2013/14

INDIA | Wednesday, 12 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery

peAk working shots
See all 70 photos >>

Tags: education, jatoli, khati, kumaon himalaya, peak

Photos: Khati & Jatoli March - June 2013

INDIA | Tuesday, 18 Jun 2013 | Photo Gallery

Random shots taken during March - June 2013
See all 16 photos >>

Tags: jatoli, khati, kumaon himalaya, solar technology, solar torches

People's Environmental Awareness - Khati (PEAK)

INDIA | Wednesday, 8 Aug 2012 | Views [1477]

PEAK's work in the installation of Solar Home Lighting Units, primary school education, potable water/hygiene project and the provision of basic healthcare has made a tangible difference to villagers lives in the Kumoan Himalaya, India. This is all ... Read more >

Tags: healthcare, india, khati, peak, primary school education, solar home lighting, uttarakhand

Final Report - Solar Home Lighting Project: Jatoli, Libhurghur & Dhoor

INDIA | Wednesday, 8 Aug 2012 | Views [1654]

BACKGROUND     Thanks to the financial support of the World Nomads community, PEAK installed Solar Home Lighting systems to over 70 more homes in the Kumaon Himalaya, India. After the success of the Khati lighting project, PEAK embarked on the installation ... Read more >

Tags: india, jagai, jatoli, libhurgur, okhalia, ritang, shilshor, solar home lighting project, uttarakhand

Granny Girl Guides, beanies & school supplies

INDIA | Saturday, 28 Jul 2012 | Views [1181]

The Western Australia 'Granny Girl Guides' knitted their way through reams of vibrant wool to produce wonderful and as we were to discover - much coveted goodies. On leaving Australia our luggage full of kiddies clothes (thanks Amanda... ) and a plethora ... Read more >

Tags: educational supplies, granny girl guides, india, jatoli, jatoli school, uttarakhand


INDIA | Friday, 27 Jul 2012 | Views [1008]

As previously mentioned, this is a tale of a missing notebook and a dodgy Indian photo processing shop, from here on in memory has to take over. But where to begin in a world of small children, wound stitching, overwhelming hospitality, solar maintenance ... Read more >

Tags: death, india, khati, solar home lighting, uttarakhand

Vanishing timelines....

INDIA | Thursday, 26 Jul 2012 | Views [888]

April. PeAk is due begin the Solar Home Lighting project in Jatoli. "Where does time go to?" or the issue of vanishing time lines pertinent. April turned bitterly cold and wet after an unseasonally warm March. Not quite cold enough to crack ... Read more >

Tags: birth, india, khati, newborn babies, uttarakhand

Spring is in the air

INDIA | Wednesday, 25 Jul 2012 | Views [942]

March 2012 The verdant green barley crop dances in the breeze. Soon stored potatoes - what little there are from last years dismal crop - buried deep in earthen holes will be extracted and planted in the fallow fields rich with piles of manure and ... Read more >

Tags: cot death, india, khati, solar home lighting, uttarakhand

The shelf....

INDIA | Monday, 23 Jul 2012 | Views [723]

February 2012. PeAk staff have been busy unpacking 'solar goodies' for the Solar Home Lighting Project. Panels are placed in the sun on the bathroom roof (one of the sunniest and most accessible spots) for charging in readiness for the next days ... Read more >

Tags: dhoor, india, libbhurgur, ritang, solar home lighting

A world of crunchy snow, children and a Lammergeier sighting

INDIA | Monday, 23 Jul 2012 | Views [1011]

February 2012. Life is chaos. Solar maintenance, teaching, doctoring, nightly meals, more solar maintenance, doctoring, teaching ... and now Solar Home Lighting installation. Whenever possible we walk up to the Mandir marvelling at the crunchy snow ... Read more >

Tags: education, india, khati, lammergeier, solar home lighting, uttarakhand

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