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frightful tales (don't judge me)

hi, i'm SA LAH

CHINA | Saturday, 19 Dec 2009 | Views [3616]

so it's our 2nd to last night in Dalian...and it has been a lovely night, i must say. nothing better than ending a party at 10 p.m.... ok, so i will miss my new friends alot. 很多 amounts of missing going on. but i am so ready to to see my old friends, ... Read more >

Tags: i am so dumb sometimes it kills me

11 days

CHINA | Wednesday, 9 Dec 2009 | Views [1920] | Comments [1]

十 一 天。 只 十 一 天! how come every trip always gets the most exciting when you have less than 2 weeks left? i think i have had more fun recently than i did the entire months of october and november (though national holiday was lovely) and now suddenly ... Read more >

Tags: oh poor brain cells

Monday November 9, 2009

CHINA | Monday, 9 Nov 2009 | Views [703] | Comments [1]

so today is monday. you know what i say about mondays, right?! the fabulous start to a tremendous week!!!! (ok, so anybody who knows me should know i don't say that. just sayin) but yeah, lately it has not been toooo boring here, and by not toooo boring ... Read more >

Tags: dedication to the art, purple fingers, skiing

It's been a long time, been a long time coming...

CHINA | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Views [820] | Comments [2]

So i am ashamed to say that the inspiration behind this oh-very-creative title was P.O.D, the band i listened to when i was in 7th grade. They were bad-ass, talking about god and all...Don't judge me! it was 7th grade...and maybe a few more years after.... Read more >

lovely little bunch of bananas

CHINA | Tuesday, 22 Sep 2009 | Views [662] | Comments [2]

so i'm sittin' here, like studying and stuff when i call my home boy endless. i'm like dude, i need some fuckin help with this fuckin homework. it be a bitch. so he like, dude yeah i help you. so hes looking ats it and realizes that well by heavens, ... Read more >

Tags: countryfied me, gangsta endless, gangsta me, killa

Genesis, Blood, Easy, Panda, and others

CHINA | Tuesday, 15 Sep 2009 | Views [733] | Comments [3]

i dedicate this journal to my Tuesdee (i hope to God you read this Casey. did it for you) early-in-the-fuckin-morning class. and yes, 8 am is what i call early-in-the-fuckin-morning.  A few moments ago,before i got distracted and careless, i was wondering ... Read more >

For pete's sake...

CHINA | Friday, 11 Sep 2009 | Views [623] | Comments [3]

You know what's soooo lovely?? Forgetting/being too tired to write a story about all the happenings in China. It's so much fun trying to recall all the things that have made this trip *memorable*. i am not saying this trip isn't memorable, it's actually ... Read more >

First day of class, proves to dad i AM an ass...

CHINA | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [6566] | Comments [1]

Well, today i am feeling particularly italicized...i don't really know what that means, your guess is as good as mine...Also, i think the title sums up the whole journal, so i'm done. Oh fine, i will go into details. Today was the first day of class, ... Read more >

yep. Dalian.

CHINA | Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 | Views [587] | Comments [1]

i have been here in Dalian for a full 24 hours, thereabout. On to another topic... my Mandarin is awful. When people ask me questions in English i usually take my sweet old time to answer, because i like to think about what the question implies wholly.... Read more >

The lovely Galloway, Ohio

USA | Tuesday, 25 Aug 2009 | Views [679] | Comments [1]

Well, 3 days till i get to China. i am tremendous amounts of nervous, loads of excited/stoked, a little doubtful, a tad apprehensive... ready to say auf wiedersehen to the fam. in case you were wondering, i will be teaching english in china. God ... Read more >

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