so today is monday. you know what i say about mondays, right?! the fabulous start to a tremendous week!!!! (ok, so anybody who knows me should know i don't say that. just sayin) but yeah, lately it has not been toooo boring here, and by not toooo boring i mean i haven't wanted to shove pencils in my pupils (ahhh! which pupils am i talking about? you be the judge). i went to lushun yesterday since our school and hotel did not have power. i bought clothes and went to the arcade. yes, a chinese arcade is similar to an american arcade, except that the arcade is a tad bit hotter and smellier. i tried my hand at some skiing. basically if i ever tried skiing in real life i would die. because of course arcade skiing tells you how it's really gonna be. so if i go from rock to rock in the game, splitting my skull open, can figure it out.
i teach today. let me tell you how excited i am.
anyway, i think i have gained some weight. i began to suspect the extra weight might be from the pure muscle i gained from all the use of gong fu in daily life, but i have begun to realize i was wrong. it's actually called fat.
well, that's depressing me. so on to another topic. i am freezing. my poor pathetic fingers are working so hard to press the keys down, they are numb and purple. my god. the dedication i show. i painstakingly write these honest to the core words. someday someone will appreciate them. i know it.
ok, i am done being dramatic, done procrastinating (until i find another method, maybe the watching of chinese soap operas will be next) and i will try to study, come up with a lesson plan, get my life back on track, reconnect with loved ones, etc etc etc etc.