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Aisling Travels 2013 3months volunteering in Hanoi and whatever happens after that


There are [0] photos and [11] stories about Vietnam

Hoi An 9-11th April - Favourite Place Yet

Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 | Views [486]

Oh my god, this is such a pretty town and I would definately stayed longer if i had the time on my visa. Although spent enough money there as it was so probably a good thing I only had a few days. Girls you would love this place, seriously you can get ... Read more >

Tags: hoi an

Hue - 6-9th April

Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 | Views [510]

Hi guys, gotten a bit behind with the blog but heres the one for the few days in Hue   Hue is a pretty city, a lot quieter than Hanoi which is a nice thing. Arrived at 7pm in the evening and hopped in a taxi to the backpackers hostel which ... Read more >

Tags: citadel, hue

Phong Ne National Park

Friday, 12 Apr 2013 | Views [466]

Hi guys So currently in Nha Trang but have started to keep a journal so will fill ye in on all the places i've been when i get the chance to type it up!  Prob end up being a few weeks behind. Firstly went to Phong Ne with is a national park ... Read more >

Tags: motorbikes, paradise cave, phong ne

March - Halong Bay and An Lac

Monday, 25 Mar 2013 | Views [657]

Hi guys, been ages since ive done a blog so thought it was time for an update. So since tet, i've moved house, the company has now split the teachers and the volunteers into to separate houses. The volunteer house is about 5/10 min from the old house ... Read more >

Tags: an lac, halong bay, on the road, trekking

Tet Holiday

Monday, 25 Feb 2013 | Views [591]

So its been a while since i have written anything, mainly due to the fact that my laptop keyboard isn't working and makes it kinda hard to write. Currently in the autisim centre so thought id fill ye in on the last few weeks while everyone else is sleeping ... Read more >

Tags: beach, hcmc, phu quoc

few weeks in....

Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013 | Views [433]

have been here a few weeks now and feeling more settled. the volunteering is going ok. I am going to get some pic up of the two cetres and the children. I am bascially helping out the teachers, helping to feed the kids and also teaching the teachers ... Read more >

1week done

Monday, 28 Jan 2013 | Views [394]

May have been the most surreal week every, taking a lot to get used to a new way of living. everything is very loud and hectic - definitely no quiet places to chill in Hanoi anyway the food is okay, the food out is nice but the everyday food is a ... Read more >

Volunteering 1st Day

Tuesday, 22 Jan 2013 | Views [378]

First day volunteering yesterday and was a bit aprehensive about what I was going to be doing, how I was getting there and pretty much everything about it! appently everyone has very little english and was starting to dread it a small bit. Couldn't ... Read more >

City tour

Sunday, 20 Jan 2013 | Views [511]

trying to keep up the journal   so finding the money a bit strange to use had a bit of an incident in a shop across the road, buying some stuff and it came to about 153,000. I thought i had put 500,000 down but had actually only given them ... Read more >

Tags: hanoi


Friday, 18 Jan 2013 | Views [635]

17.01.2013 and 18.01.13 up early for me at 9am, gotten used to sleeping in over the last couple of weeks. had orientation in the white house with Que about Vietnamese culture and transport which was interesting. really was a list of dos and donts.... Read more >

Tags: language course, orientation, volunteering

off I go

Friday, 18 Jan 2013 | Views [633] | Comments [5]

Hi everyone   this is the start of the first journal I've ever written so should be interesting. mainly doing it to keep everyone at home informed of whats going on with me while I'm away and so I'll remember what I've done. pictures will ... Read more >

Tags: hanoi



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