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My Asia I fell in love with Cambodia in 2002. I am fortunate enough to now be able to enjoy regular trips. I hope you enjoy following me and that the information is useful to some!

Kompong Thom

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 5 October 2011 | Views [881]

We could'nt stay at the Sambor Village as it was closed due to flooding, so we ended up at the Aranus, which was adequate but noisy. But hey for $15 a night, own bathroom and a balcony and wifi in the room who can complain!

Its a good spot to stay as the bus's depart and arrive right out the front.

We were fortunate enough to have the wonderful Mr Kong Yeourn greet us at the bus stop, possibly we were the only tourists that got off the bus's that day! Mr Kong's english and knowledge of the area was fantastic ( 092 955 580) we hop onto the motos ( $10 each) and get out to Sambor Prei Kuk. These are Cambodia's most impressive group of Pre- Angkorian monuments and sort of resemble the biggest pizza ovens you would ever see! . They are scattered amoungst the bush/forrest and are some of the oldest structures in the country.  How impressive to be standing and touching these fine buildings.

Pits Bread was mobbed by krama sellers, all wanting her to buy a "Scarf for one dolla"! She did actually buy one! We then had five girls following us and they were driving us insane so l gave them a dollar and told them to go away, we then took the wrong path and low and behold but three more little scarf sellers popped out of no where to direct us! and to warn us to "be careful" we decided that we might actually need them and so had a bit of fun talking and chatting with them. Not only can they speak what they need to in English but also in Spanish, Italian, German, French and Khmer!!! They mostly has well rehersed phrases and if we asked them anything off topic they had no idea what we were talking about. so there went another dollar!!!

For my money Sambor was well worth the bumpy, flooded, crappy road to get out there, along this road was the most amazing villages of gorgeous waving and hello-ing Cambodians, so if into photography this would be a wonderful spot to get some great shots. It took us exactly an hour to get out there and we spent possibly an hour and a half wandering around and then a half hour rest at the coconut stall! 2000 Riels for a fresh coconut which is approx 50 cents! Crazy!

We were the only tourists that had been at Sambor that day, due to flooding no one was bothering, but it actually was'nt too bad. Perfect for us! But not so perfect for the people trying to make a living out there.

Back to town and a lovely meal and a few G & T's at the Aranus Restaurant and lots and lots of laugh's! I will never look at a swivel stick without thinking of Pita Bread now!

I have enjoyed this lovely town and it does warrant a stop and l hope to get back next year and do a bit more exploring, l feel it is just waiting for some smart Barangs to get there and help get a few things hapening to draw some tourists to the town?



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