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Cu Chi Coo

VIETNAM | Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Views [658] | Comments [4]

Where was I? After the temple we went to the Cu Chi tunnels which are a network of hundreds of kilometres of underground tunnels dug out of the earth and used by the Viet Cong guerrillas to hide and move around the area. The original tunnels measure ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Miss Saigon

VIETNAM | Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Views [653] | Comments [2]

In Cambodia I was "Lady" but in Vietnam I'm "Miss", except on one occasion when I was "Madame" but I blame the G-Man for that. Saigon is lovely. Wonderful shoppig (although I have no room in my backpack for anything new) ... Read more >

Tags: Culture


CAMBODIA | Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Views [519] | Comments [3]

The ruins at Angkor were as impressive as expected. Angkor Wat (the big temple) was especially so, but my favourite was the one with cows grazing all around it. (Still no photos!)  I got my chance to run around pretending to be Lara Croft, but that lasted ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Angkors Away

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 27 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

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CAMBODIA | Thursday, 27 Sep 2007 | Views [497] | Comments [10]

Sorry folks, I can't upload my photies at the moment. :o( I'll try and get it working as soon as. Thanks for all the emails and comments. I'm sorry I don't have a chance to reply to them all, but it's lovely to know that you're still out there. Don't ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Angkors Away

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 25 Sep 2007 | Views [458] | Comments [3]

On Tuesday we left PP for Siem Reap, the town closest to the temples at Angkor. The bus took about 6 hours and was bone ratling in parts, although I've been assured that the roads are now "very good" compared to what they once were. The tuktuk ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

More PP

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 23 Sep 2007 | Views [388]

On Sunday there was more history. We visited the second largest of the killing fields. It was a draining but worthwhile trip, especially as we had an excellent guide. Uncle G's ham sauce spaghetti (Khmer variation) was excellent. After that we headed ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

At Uncle G's in Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 23 Sep 2007 | Views [553] | Comments [7]

Had a small mishap with the adresses but I found Uncle G eventually. He's been very generous with his time and space and we're likely to abuse that for a wee bit longer. I'm very happy to be spending a few quiet days here after travelling incessantly.... Read more >

Tags: Family

Gallery: Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

One Night In Bangkok

THAILAND | Thursday, 20 Sep 2007 | Views [592] | Comments [2]

I was supposed to be spending two days and nights in Bangkok but after the adventure getting there I only had an evening and a morning. There was only time to check into a guesthouse off of the Khao San Road and meet up with M&A for drinks and food.... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Spoke Too Soon

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 19 Sep 2007 | Views [450] | Comments [2]

I think most of you already know that the Emirates flight I was due to depart on was cancelled. The pilot got the left wheel stuck in the grass before we even got to the runway. If that's how he drives his plane I'm glad we didn't get a chance to see ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Still at Home...

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 16 Sep 2007 | Views [482] | Comments [7]

...but not for long.

Tags: The Planning Phase

Gallery: Leaving Doo

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 6 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

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