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There are [0] photos and [10] stories about Indonesia

Travelling on the edge!

Wednesday, 10 Aug 2011 | Views [511]

If you want a near death experience then I can highly recommend the shuttle bus service from Malang, East Java, Indonesia to Yogyakarta/Jogyakarta. You can drive into the backs of others, be driven off the road or go solo by sliding off the tarmac through ... Read more >

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Wednesday, 10 Aug 2011 | Views [988]

I have a problem with Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and I guess its a problem that many face when they travel. The Ubud described by Ms Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love, Gilbert, Elizabeth) does not exist anymore; gone is the peaceful, calm, agricultuarally based community ... Read more >

Tags: bali, eat pray love, ubud

Gili Air

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [811]

Gili Air, Indonesia is lovely - no motorised transport apart from the boats; its a bicycle, Shank's pony or pony and cart for getting around so gradually you realise what's missing - noise! Despite the devotion to Bob Marley from various sea front bars/restaurants ... Read more >

Tags: food, gili air, hotels, trips

Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [710]

Rinjani Volcano, Lombok, Indonesia; 2,681 metres, 7.7 kilometres, on average 8 hours to the crater rim and becoming a little Mecca for tourists to Indonesia. The peace and quiet of the jungle trek soothes you into a gentle rhythm for climbing, occassionally ... Read more >

Tags: environmental issues, lombok, rinjani, volcano


Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [537]

The Perama boat trip from Labuan Bajo to Lombok Labuhan taking in Rinca and Moya island is a '3 day, 2 night' trip which does not disappoint. Cabin class costs a little more and gets you the slimmest room with a bunk and narrow shelf for storage; non ... Read more >

Tags: kimodo dragons, moyo, perama boat trips, rinca


Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [669]

Flores roads are weaving and potted so hiring a driver or booking a trip through an agent takes a great deal of stress and wasted time out of travelling around. We used Golo Hilltop ( http://golohilltop.com/main.html)  who were excellent. However, ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, flores, le tour, travelling

Riung, Flores

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [1068]

If, like me, your experience of snorkelling involves involuntarily swallowing salty sea water as you have just been bashed by a rogue child in a plastic tube on one side whilst suffering the splashathon madness of an over excited mutt chasing a rogue ... Read more >

Tags: accomodation, fishing, flores, riung, snorkelling

Kilamatu Eco Lodge, Moni, Flores

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [498]

The Kilamatu Eco Lodge is a new addition to Moni and is one of a chain popping up across Indonesia. Set in lovely gardens, growing their own produce with a little river running by, the setting is idyllic and the rooms do not disappoint, including the ... Read more >

Tags: eco lodge, flores, restaurant

Crater Lakes, Moni, Flores

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [1064]

If you have been to the Brecon Beacons in March or October then you will be prepared for the Crater Lakes, Moni, Flores at sunrise: drizzly rain, cold, mist. Sunrises are over rated. I know, I have seen dozens and why do I keep going back? because I ... Read more >

Tags: brecon beacons, crater lakes, flores, sunrises

Three Brothers Bungalows, Kuta, Bali

Monday, 8 Aug 2011 | Views [832]

The Three Brothers Bungalows, Legian, Bali creates its own tale of the Deathly Hallows with its particular magic for muggles. Approaching along a narrow road overly crowded with motorbikes, minivans and the odd truck, the welcome foyer is a boundary, ... Read more >

Tags: harry potter, hotel, kuta



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