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Trip: Latin America

There are [22] stories from my trip: Latin America

Frey Bentos

URUGUAY | Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Views [4483]

Years ago, when I was first planning my trip to South America I was looking at a map and saw that on the Argentine/Uruguay border was a small town called Frey Bentos. A name from past, when corned beef was a staple part of the British diet ... Read more >

Tags: museums

Gallery: Frey Bentos

URUGUAY | Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Views ot the Anglo Meat Factory
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Colombia - the real risk

COLOMBIA | Friday, 25 May 2007 | Views [4017]

I’ve had a number of mails recently from people asking about safety in Colombia and I thought it would be useful to place things in context. The picture above is a chart in a Colombian bus station, which are displayed in all the bus stations in the country.... Read more >

Tags: Observations

South America - the highlights

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 23 Sep 2006 | Views [13360] | Comments [4]

After nine months travelling through South America it is now time to move on, so I though a retrospective might be in order. Best Country It has to be Peru, a country with world class sights, mountains, great trekking and a well developed ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

The Latin American Suicide Shower

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 7 Sep 2006 | Views [73935] | Comments [32]

Some areas of the world have particular things that define them, and although a good idea they are only found in one continent or region and nowhere else. This even applies to electrical appliances and for Central and South America one of the defining ... Read more >

Tags: travel tips

Gallery: Argentina

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 7 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

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ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 6 Sep 2006 | Views [6205]

Unlike every other South American country I’ve seen on this trip, Argentina is a country I have visited before, on a two week holiday in which I went to Buenos Aires and Patagonia, flying around the country in order to see as much as I could in the ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Traveling in South America - how much does it cost?

URUGUAY | Monday, 14 Aug 2006 | Views [52200] | Comments [31]

I last travelled in South America in 2006 so my entry is only a general guide to prices as they were then. Things may have changed greatly since I was there. For everyone who wants the most up to date information I can only suggest the Footprint guide ... Read more >

Tags: travel tips


PARAGUAY | Wednesday, 9 Aug 2006 | Views [4692] | Comments [2]

Paraguay has always struck me as an interesting place to travel too, partly because I’ve never met anyone else who has been here and I wondered why. All the backpacker/travelers routes in South America avoid it, a place where bad things happen perhaps? ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Gallery: .

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 27 Jul 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Boat Trip to the Amazon

BRAZIL | Thursday, 6 Jul 2006 | Views [10303] | Comments [1]

There is something special about reaching a place after a long boat trip, especially when it is along a river. One of the places I’ve always wanted to visit was Manaus on the Amazon, having read as a child the epic story to build an Opera House there ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Extortion - Andean Style

BOLIVIA | Monday, 26 Jun 2006 | Views [2578]

Having in the last year been marooned in a town in Ecuador for a week by protesters blocking the main roads and having just escaped the same thing near Cusco, I thought that the days of being held hostage by indigenous people was over, especially as ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Pampas tours from Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 20 Jun 2006 | Views [12842] | Comments [4]

Rurrenabaque in the North East of Bolivia has become a major backpacker’s center for organized trips into the jungle and pampas that surround the town. For many travelers a Pampas trip, along with biking the Death Road and taking a tour on the Salar ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

The Salar de Uyuni for Inderpendent Travellers

BOLIVIA | Monday, 19 Jun 2006 | Views [12101] | Comments [6]

Uyuni is the kicking off point for trips into the Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt pan in the world and a must on most visitors’ itineraries to Bolivia . The trip out to the lake also usually includes the dramatic landscape to the south of the lake, ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

Briefing for a descent into Hell

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 8 Jun 2006 | Views [4027]

Posati which at 4000 meters is the highest city/town of it's size in the world. At one time it was the richest city in the world, it's wealth built on the conical hill Cerro Rico (Rich Mountain) which dominates the town and which was mined for it's ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Trekking from Cusco to Lamay,Peru

PERU | Monday, 29 May 2006 | Views [7090] | Comments [2]

This is a great trek, a wonderful upland walk with great views and lots of birds and flowers to see along the way. There is easy access from Cusco but you only have to walk for a few hours before you are in an isolated wilderness. We did this independently ... Read more >

Tags: Trekking Route Descriptions

Cusco Peru - Tourist City

PERU | Monday, 22 May 2006 | Views [7839] | Comments [2]

Come to Cusco , all of tourist life is here. Having now traveled in Central and South America for seven months, this is the first town I’ve arrived in that accommodates nd welcomes every kind of tourist. Of course, most of them don t come to see ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Trekking in Colca Canyon, Peru.

PERU | Thursday, 20 Apr 2006 | Views [9752] | Comments [5]

Trekking in Colca Canyon is an easy and popular trek usually done from Arequipa in Southern Peru. Here are few notes on how to do it inderpendently. The Canyon can be walked in ‘Tea House’ trekking style, staying in Hostals along the way who ... Read more >

Tags: Trekking Route Descriptions

Visiting Colombia - some tips

COLOMBIA | Monday, 10 Apr 2006 | Views [14070] | Comments [28]

I spent three great weeks in Colombia in December/January 06. Here are a few tips for other travellers going that way. It´s a lovely country and well worth the effort. Travel was very easy, most towns have modern bus stations and lots of competition ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

Why not try Colombia?

COLOMBIA | Monday, 10 Apr 2006 | Views [8482] | Comments [18]

I have been in Latin America since the beginning of the year and one Frequently Asked Question has been; which is your favorite country so far? And the answer has to be Colombia . Colombia , the name itself is enough to strike unease into most ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

The Galapagos for Inderpendent Travellers

ECUADOR | Monday, 27 Feb 2006 | Views [12236] | Comments [9]

Going to the Galapagos is an expensive business and this tends to put many inderpendent travellers off going there, which is a great pity as it’s a fantastic place. There are ways to get around the expense and have a great time, this is how we did ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

A three day trek in the Parque Nacional Natural de Los Nevados, Colombia

COLOMBIA | Saturday, 28 Jan 2006 | Views [15031] | Comments [11]

  We did this trek in January 2006 and it is a good introduction to trekking in the High Andes. The route takes you from the wonderful Wax Palm valley of Cocora, through the Cloud forest and up to the unique Andean mountain environment of the   Paramo.... Read more >

Tags: Trekking Route Descriptions