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Trip: Africa

There are [9] stories from my trip: Africa

Photos: Sudan

SUDAN | Thursday, 3 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

A selection of pictures from my two years as a teacher in the Sudan.
See all 20 photos >>

The Sudan English Teachers Scheme

SUDAN | Tuesday, 1 Mar 2011 | Views [4996] | Comments [3]

In the 1970’s and 1980’s there existed a scheme for English teachers to go out to The Sudan to teach in Higher Secondary Schools. Although thousands of young, well educated British and Irish people took part in the scheme, some of them for years, ... Read more >

Tags: africa, sudan, teaching

Africa by Overland Truck 2010

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010 | Views [2636]

I first did an overland truck trip in Africa four years and enjoyed the experience so on my recent trip to East Africa I decided to do another one, mainly for convenience and safety concerns but also because on a truck you get a group of readymade friends ... Read more >

Tags: africa, overland, trucks

Photos: East Africa 2010

TANZANIA | Sunday, 10 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 11 photos >>

South Africa – the Backpacker Experience

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 23 Dec 2006 | Views [6359] | Comments [2]

For most of 2006 I have been traveling in South America as a backpacker and had enjoyed how easy it was to travel there. The quality of budget hotels was good and transport was affordable and mainly comfortable. In most cities I went around by ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips


TANZANIA | Saturday, 16 Dec 2006 | Views [4221]

Zanzibar , even the name has an exotic ring to it and conjures up images of Sultans, Spices and Slaves. One of the great island ports of the mystic east, ships traded the goods of Africa, the Middle East, and India and out across the Indian Ocean to ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Africa by Overland Truck - Two

TANZANIA | Thursday, 7 Dec 2006 | Views [3434]

By chance I caught up with the ATC truck I’d been traveling on when I saw it stopped at lights in Dar es Salaam; I then spent a day with everyone at a beach on Zanzibar. What was surprising was the contrast to the experience I had had and the current ... Read more >

Tags: Observations

Africa by Overland Truck

BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 21 Nov 2006 | Views [10543] | Comments [3]

I had heard several stories from travelers about the overland trucks that do the route from South Africa up to Kenya, and most of them were bad. They seemed to have spent their trip with people who spend most of the time drunk or were just noisy ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

Hogsback in the Eastern Cape

SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 20 Oct 2006 | Views [6055]

Most Backpackers who travel in South Africa stick pretty much to the coastal route from Cape Town to Jo’berg and totally ignore the interior. But there are some great places to visit just off the coastal route which really reward those who seek them ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors