Dear friends,
This is my first entry into this journal.
First of all thank you for following my invitation and having a look at what this is about!
The purpose of this travel blog is to give you insights into what I am doing at the moment, and also why.
As you know, I'd been studying physiotherapy in Amsterdam for a year now ( After this first year, I decided to reconsider what I want to do and where I want to go.
So, now, my fellow students are enjoying internships somewhere in the world (Israel, Nepal, Barcelona, etcc.) while I decided to quit the program and walk another path (or continue my original one). They are such lovely ones, and I will miss them a lot, when I eventually leave...
I've decided to follow my heart, and put myself decisions, and directions into ways that are not directly understood - not even by myself.
So I also hope to get a clearer picture myself through these recordings.
This is what is happening at the moment:
My decision to lead a "independent life" is becoming more concrete. I simply work. Tomorrow - at least that is what I hope - I will start as a bike taxi driver! ( )
So I am busy at the moment to build a certain financial foundation to finance my travels, and simply a lifestyle of my own. It is thrilling, I feel insecure and nervous, and at the same time it gives me happiness and deepens my loving feeling for this world (sounds quite strange, and still it's the most appropriate description I can think of!)
Do you know a dragonfly? These beautiful insects that fly around like little helicopters. In fact, they are the only flying beings that can control each wing separately, enabling them to fly around like nothing else.
On this page you find a beautiful image of these, and it has a direct link to my own situation:
A dragonfly is not always a firefly, it undergoes - as a lot of insects - metamorphoses. From being a little black kind of rope to such a flying being.
The dragonfly undergoes 8 to 10 of such larva-states before it comes into existence as such a dragonfly. I feel a little connected on my own way, and I'm a little larva-thing at the moment... eating, absorbing, looking around, and growing...
I pray to the heavens that "something nice" will come out of it, and that I can serve and love and help my people (including you!) in a positive way!
It is my honest wish to share my changes with you, and I hope that you can enjoy my writings a little!
I love you!