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Stories This compendium of infrequently updated stories is my attempt to share some of the beautiful things that came cross my way.


There are [20] photos and [6] stories about Israel

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Gallery: Akko

Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Mizpe Ramon (Israel)

Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

3 days out in the south. This rock formation is 100000000 years old. No joke :)
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Sleeping in the Negev Dessert or how two Bedouins didn't fall in love with me

Saturday, 10 Nov 2007 | Views [3725]

Dear friends, Ein Avdat is a National Park not far away from the graves of the Ben-Gurions (at the Kibbutz Sde Boker). It is basically a valley in the desert where there is water flowing through. It was also part of the Nabatean trade route (who were ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Akko - An ancient, troubled city

Saturday, 10 Nov 2007 | Views [1364]

Dear ones, A lot has happened since my last entry. I worked until october in Amsterdam, and then prepared my travel back to Israel, where all this way of the heart basically was initiated in march 2007. Now I am in Akko, which is a small, mainly ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

My story as a German and what it feels like to be with it in Israel

Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [960]

Dear friends, It's been now 3 weeks that I travel through "the Holy Land". First, because so many beautiful stories were told to me, I want to tell you simply how I feel, and what is going to happen. At the moment, I feel free and happy.... Read more >

Tags: people

Gallery: Israel 10/07-12/07

Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

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