"Go to that place, it's wonderful!
It is my uncle's place", she said.
Her uncle spoke "You can come and guide the people,
and sell fish - not too much! Earn good money,
and enjoy your time."
We were so excited.
We took a canoe,
we crossed the lake
and found a little beach.
Now we are here.
All you ever hear
is the wind
in the trees,
is the wind
in the sea.
The flying ash
of rotten roots,
old traces of an elk.
The shiny mirror of the sky
sparkling from the water.
Fallen leaves - both green and brown -
with deadly skill
and vivid joy
hunting down
their innocent prey.
The shadows hiding from the sun
with all the clouds passing by,
and the stones that look at you
- ever changing, never shy.
They all speak with one clear tongue:
"You're only guests."