As you return from a lake
where every now and then
- like every month -
a man comes and says
"I like this nature here,
please let me stay
for some
time in harmony,
lightly touching the ground,
"Don't be afraid, all is grace."
You are full of hope.
And as you
see the eyes
of the one you
were with
you realize
all the beauty
that is possible or not.
Your feet
get pinched by the pebble,
you hear them humming
"Don't be afraid all is full of grace."
on the last day
you catch a fish
- and kill it.
Dead and life are one
Seven circles radiate
in the lake that you obsevere
in a sudden symphony,
lightly humming
"Don't be afraid, all is full of grace"
And as you sit by the fire
you hear the one you're with
lightly humming
"Don't be afraid, all is full of grace"
The fish that you grill
on a long wooden stick
stretches its fins
as in sheer bliss.
With a happy tommy
you sit there:
All you can ever do
is thank for all the grace
that is given to you -
for free?
Thank you.