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There are [190] photos and [6] stories about Chile

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Chao chao Santiago!

Saturday, 5 Oct 2013 | Views [430]

Have had an absolute ball in Santiago and its been amazing to be able to live like a local with Zoe. We've eaten sooooo well and I'd recommend Santiago to any foodies out there.  My last few days involved: 1) Amazing dinners at Asia Lima (cevicheria), ... Read more >

"Valparaiso, que disparate eres, que loco, puerto loco"

Saturday, 5 Oct 2013 | Views [497]

Valparaiso is definitely unique and I can totally understand the UNESCO world heritage tag. After a slight change of plans due to the mega hangover after the birthday celebrations, I caught the bus to Valpo on Monday morning and was once again the only ... Read more >

Beware of the Pisco Sours

Tuesday, 1 Oct 2013 | Views [313]

Back in Santiago on what can only be described as an eating and drinking tour. Been to so many fab bars and restaurants, met Zoe's gang and bumbled about the city on the metro doing some touristy stuff. It's been sunny most days with just a bit of a ... Read more >

Photos: Valparaiso

Tuesday, 1 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 52 photos >>

And the journey begins.....

Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | Views [277]

After a rather hectic last few days at work I made it to the airport, packed and ready to leave Sydney for 16 weeks. Am very surpirsed but after about 3 trial packs I got my bags down to 25kgs in total for the trolley case and main bag, so that bodes ... Read more >

Photos: Santiago

Tuesday, 17 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 151 photos >>



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