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There are [0] photos and [10] stories about Poland

Finally some photos

Monday, 14 May 2007 | Views [851] | Comments [5]

I've been uploading photos into photobucket all day.  It takes forever, I'm nowhere near finished. It will take me a while to sort everything out but in the meantime here are a few.  Enjoy. Okay, the computer is being stupid ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Now for something completely different

Saturday, 10 Mar 2007 | Views [541] | Comments [4]

I do actually have a really good reason for looking forward to my birthday. Only nine days after I'll be seeing one of my most favourite people in the whole wide world.  My little younger brother is coming to visit! I just found out that my mother ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Another week down

Saturday, 10 Mar 2007 | Views [717] | Comments [1]

This week has been really weird.  I went to The Warsaw Uprising Museum last Sunday but it feels like I went yesterday.  It's like the past week never happened.  I can live with that. Now for my first real work-related rant: I imagine that next week ... Read more >

Tags: Work


Thursday, 8 Mar 2007 | Views [623] | Comments [2]

I'm still trying to work out how to reply to comments.  It's not as straight forward as it should be ... I'll try to investigate some more on the weekend :/

Tags: Misadventures

I need suggestions!

Thursday, 8 Mar 2007 | Views [2127] | Comments [7]

I've got 9 days holiday in May and I do not want to spend them in Warsaw.  The only other place I was considering in Poland was Gdansk but apparently that's where everyone in Warsaw is going (maybe I'll go there over Easter, although it will probably ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Why just stop at one bodily fluid?

Sunday, 4 Mar 2007 | Views [2072] | Comments [3]

As some of you will know one thing I truely hate, something that has on several occasions nearly made me throw up, is spitting. Spitting does not seem to bother many Poles.  In fact it seems to be a national sport.  I didn't think anyone would ever ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Death Camps, Salt Mines and Other Adventures

Sunday, 4 Mar 2007 | Views [1398] | Comments [6]

Luckily, my first full week of holidays was followed by the winter holidays.  Two weeks of paid vacation, yay!  I'm not sure how I would have coped if I didn't get that break. I was invited to go to Krakow with some of the other native teachers for ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Like sardines, lightly smoked

Saturday, 24 Feb 2007 | Views [640]

Catching a bus during peak hour is always in interesting experience.  The people in Warsaw could really teach the Japanese a thing or two about cramming people into confined spaces.   Yesterday, I had to go to a training session on something that was ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

By the time you've lost all feeling in your face ...

Friday, 23 Feb 2007 | Views [557] | Comments [3]

... you know it's probably getting a bit cold. I think I've acclimatized nicely to the weather in Poland.  Mum would probably be ready to fall on her sword but I don't find the cold too bad. Let me rephrase that, I don't find the cold too bad when ... Read more >

Tags: Snow

First Entry (second time around)

Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Views [808] | Comments [2]

  Well I've been in Poland for about three weeks now and I'm still trying to work out what exactly I've gotten myself into. Everything is so - well to be banal – foreign. The landscape, the architecture, the weather, the food, the language, especially ... Read more >

Tags: Work



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